Workflows > Materials > Material View > Identity Tab
The Identity tab displays material name, synonyms, and other top-level material information. The appearance of the Identity tab varies by material type, with a different data displayed for Chemicals, Supplies, Equipment, Constituents, and Biologicals.
Chemical Identity Tab Attributes and Options
Chemicals and Biologicals can have an unlimited number of alternate names. When a material name search is conducted, materials with synonyms that match the search criteria are included in the results. The number of synonyms displayed on the Identity tab is set by the num_syn_rows configuration variable (see Configuration). To add a new synonym, click the 'more' link.
Last Updated
Indicates the last date upon which the material record was edited (this item also appears on the Constituent Identity tab).
Primary CAS #
A unique, globally recognized numeric identifier for each substance, linking it to other substance-specific information.
CAS numbers are validated on entry. (See CAS Number Validation)
Link opens the list of materials identified as component materials of the current record. Each component can have a name, percentage, and CAS#.
Regulatory Lists
Chemicals with a primary CAS # and/or component CAS #'s are analyzed for membership on various Regulatory Lists. Lists that apply to the chemical are displayed (membership is dependent on list configuration and the user's work unit).
Expiration Interval
When receiving this chemical without a standard, the expiration interval is added to the receipt date to auto-calculate an expiration date for the containers being received. (Referred to as 'Maintenance Interval' on equipment materials.)
Open Expiration Interval
If the container is opened before its expiration date, this interval is used to set a new, potentially earlier expiration date, accommodating some materials' accelerated deterioration in open containers.
Defines who can see the material. Local materials are only visible within the site they are created. Global materials can be seen by all users.
Clearance Code
User-defined text field, defined on a per-work unit basis, that can be used to describe things like whether the material requires special approval.
Global picklist of references for safety data.
Stock No
The Stock number is an automatically generated material identifier used for receiving.
The Identity tab for a Chemical with standards (Material Qualification Module only)
Identity Tab on Other Material Types
The appearance of the Identity tab varies widely by material type. Following are examples of each material type.
Equipment Identity Tab

Supply Identity Tab
