Material Components |
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Reference > Material Components In addition to the ability to categorize materials into material types, and to categorize material types into material classes, CISPro Global supports another layer of detail that allows users to specify the ingredients, or components, of materials. Through the use of components, users can maintain a record of not only what 'sub-materials' a material contains, but also how much of each. There are three available methods for using components: Free Text, All Materials, and Constituents Only. These three methods differ in their level of strictness. Only one method (determined by the value of the component_refs configuration variable) can be used at a time, and changing from one method to another is not recommended because of the inconsistent data that would result from the change.
Free Text: This method is the least strict of the three. There are no restrictions on the name the user gives to components (aside from a maximum length of 240 characters). Components added via this method are not CISPro Global materials. The maximum quantity is entered as either a percentage of the material total, or an absolute quantity. CAS numbers are optional. Components Affect Regulatory Lists A material component's CAS number is a factor in whether the material is included in regulatory lists. Any Material: The component must be selected from existing materials. The user can either enter the Material ID or use the search tool to locate a material. Quantity is entered as either a Unit of Measure or a percentage. Quantity and UOM/Percentage are required. Constituents Only: This is the most strict of the three methods. The component must be selected from existing Constituent materials. The user can either enter the Material ID or use the search tool to locate a material. Quantity is entered as either a Unit of Measure or a percentage. Quantity and UOM are required. Configuring Component UOMs The list of Units of Measure (UOM) that can be applied to material components is defined in System Lookups. The list name is compunits. See System Lookup Lists for instructions to change the compunits UOM list. Adding Components The Material Components page is accessible via the Components link on the Material Identity tab. The appearance of the Material Components page depends on the component method in use. The CAS# and Maximum Amount fields are visible for the Free Text method, and Material ID is visible for the All Materials and Constituent Only methods. When the component_refs configuration variable is not set to 0, each component name (except those that may have been entered as free text) is a link that opens the component in material view. Under any method, quantities may include as many as five decimal places (e.g., 6.54321%). By default, the sum of component percentages can not exceed 100%. To change the limit, see componlimit in Configuration Variables. Free Text Method
All Materials and Constituents-Only Methods