Material Synonyms |
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Reference > Material Synonyms CISPro Global supports the use of synonyms for maintaining two or more names for materials. Synonyms appear on the Identity tab for all material types, and can be added, edited, removed, or promoted via the 'more' link that appears beneath the list of synonyms on the Identity tab. A synonym can also be assigned to a class. Display Order Material synonyms have an Order setting that controls the order in which they are displayed on the Identity tab. When a sort order is not specified, synonyms are displayed in alphabetical order. Maximum Number of Synonyms Displayed The maximum number of synonyms displayed on the Identity tab is set with the num_syn_rows configuration variable. Manage Synonyms on the Material Synonyms Page To access the synonym list for a material, select the material's Identity tab. Then click the 'more' link that appears beneath the list of synonyms. Add a New Synonym
*Synonym Classes are managed via the System Lookup Lists. Edit a Synonym
Delete a Synonym
Promote a Synonym to Material Name A synonym that is not the material's 'main synonym' (that is, name) can be 'promoted' to be the material's name. When a synonym is promoted this way, the synonym that was displayed as the material's name will be 'demoted' to synonym status.
The promoted synonym will now display in search results and elsewhere as the material's name. The process can be repeated at any time to change which synonym appears as the material name. Permissions Required for Changing Material Synonyms Users with the following permissions can add (but not edit or delete) synonyms on a material:
stand_nongmp:Create stand_nongmp:Modify
Users with the following permissions can add/edit/delete synonyms on a material:
mat_local:Modify mat_site:Modify mat_global:Modify