Minimum/Maximum Inventory

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Reference > Minimum/Maximum Inventory

Minimum Inventory Level:


CISPro Global provides a convenient way for users to keep track of materials that have fallen to or below a certain specified minimum level of quantity within a particular Inventory Group. This level is called the Minimum Inventory level.


The Minimum Inventory Level is set from the Containers tab, by clicking the Suppliers link.  During the process of configuring a package for that material, you are given an opportunity to set the minimum inventory level for that package, for each inventory group at your site.  Thus, each material may have many different minimum inventory levels depending on how many packages are defined and how many inventory groups there are.








The Below Minimum Inventory worklist displays a list of materials in the logged on user's inventory group whose available quantities have sunk to or below the minimum levels that have been set.




The material names are links which take you to the Identity tabs for the corresponding materials.  The shopping cart icons in each row allow you to add the materials to an Order, which can then be submitted and received, to bring the inventory level back up to the desired level.


Maximum Inventory Level:


Because the maximum acceptable inventory level for a material is frequently a safety-related matter, the link to configure the level is found on the Hazards tab.  Navigate to the Hazards tab for the material in question and click the Maximum Inventory link to set the level for that material.


Once you click that link, you are given an opportunity to set separate maximum levels for each location within the site, for that particular material. For example, consider Ethanol, a highly flammable chemical.  If we set a maximum inventory level of 10 liters for the entire building (R&D Building in the image below), this means that the total number of liters in all of the locations within the building, taken together, must be kept below 10 liters at all times.  Thus, if Room A and Room B contain 5 liters each, the maximum level for the building is exceeded.




We can set a separate limit for any or all of the individual locations within the building, and since Ethanol is a flammable substance, we might very well want to do that.  Suppose we specify a maximum level of 4 liters for each room, and 2 liters for each cabinet inside each room.  The 'Back to Maximum Inventory' link at the top of the screen in the image above will open a page that displays all of the maximum inventory levels we have set, by location, for this material (see image below).




The hierarchy of locations becomes very important in setting maximum inventory levels, since the maximum inventory calculation for a location includes quantities in sub-locations too.  Consider one more example.  Suppose you set a maximum inventory level for Ethanol of 100 GM, on a room which has 4 cabinets inside it.   If there are 30 GM of Ethanol in each of the cabinets, the room is over maximum inventory, even though the room itself is "empty" (i.e. there is no quantity stored at the location ID of the room--it is all recorded as being stored at the separate location IDs of the cabinets).


The Above Maximum Inventory worklist contains a list of all materials at the site whose quantities are above the maximum inventory levels set for their particular locations. To get to this worklist, click the 'Above Maximum' link on the Home Page (or click the Material menu item on the main Materials page and then select the Worklists option).


On the Above Maximum Inventory worklist, you will find another 'Set Maximum Inventory' link which you can use to set maximum inventory levels for all materials at all locations at the site:

