Workflows > Materials > Material View > Hazards Tab
Material health and safety information is displayed on the Hazards tab. The Hazards tab's appearance may vary depending on workunit or other configuration options such as whether to show hazard graphics, storage compatibilities, and GHS values, and whether to display health, fire, and reactive codes in an NFPA diamond.
Chemical Hazards Tab Attributes and Options
Health, Fire and Reactive Codes, Pictograms, PPE, Hazard Categories and R&S Phrases
Nationally or internationally recognized indicators of the potential dangers associated with this material. An NFPA Diamond can be displayed on this tab as well (see Configuration Variables).
Storage Compatibilities
A pre-configured system of labeled, colored boxes that are designed to indicate which other materials can safely be stored in the same location as the selected material.
Hazard Graphics
A user-defined graphics set that can be configured to display any system of hazard characteristics.
GHS Phrases, Signal Words, and Graphics
Select GHS attributes to apply to material.
Catalog MSDS Search and Add MSDS
Links to select MSDS documents to associate with the selected material.
Display a list of all MSDSs currently associated with any of material's packages. List can be filtered to exclude packages without containers.
View Attached Documents
A link that indicates that there are documents, referenced on the Docs Tab, that may also be of interest for health and safety purposes.
Maximum Inventory
A link to set the maximum amount of this material that can be stored in any one location, for safety and/or regulatory purposes.
Print Hazard Label
A link to print a special container label displaying pictograms and other hazard info about the contents.
Fire Reporting
Displayed while Fire Reporting module is enabled, opens Fire Reporting Setup page for currently selected material.
Some of the features of the Hazards tab are dependent on the following permissions (see Roles for a complete list of permissions):
Access to Hazard Graphics, Storage Compatibilities, Hazard Categories, Pictograms, R & S Phrases, PPE
material (mat_const, mat_local, mat_global, mat_site)

Chemical Hazards Tab with several sets of hazardous material communication attributes