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Configuration > Roles

A Role is a set of permissions that defines what operations a user can perform in CISPro Global. Roles are used to provide identical sets of permissions to multiple users without requiring an administrator to select individual permissions for each user account. Using Roles, an administrator can select a set of permissions, save it, and assign it to as many users as desired. Each of those users will have the same permissions.

Note: There should always be at least one role with the "All System Config Permissions (Global)" permission, because that permission allows configuring Roles & Permissions. See the table of permissions later in this topic.

Examples of Roles

The following are some examples of roles that are used to provide permission sets for common user types.

Global Admin: has the ability to configure the system
Site Admin: can configure the site to which the user belongs
Receiver: can create containers
Tester: can enter testing results
Lot Approver/QA: can approve lots
General User: can view materials and inventory, and dispense their own containers
View Only: can view materials and inventory, but can not change data
Dispenser: can dispense containers

The 'View Only' Role

The View Only role is intended for users who do not need to make changes to data, and who might log in with a shared account. Because of this, password expirations are ignored for any user whose role is named "View Only."

Configuring Roles

Role configuration consists of naming the role, selecting its type, setting a timeout value, and assigning permissions.


1.Log in as a global admin (a user with a role that has All System Config Permission)
2.Click the System Configuration link
3.Click the Roles link

Creating a New Role

1.Select Role > New Role from the page menu
2.Type a Name (required)
3.Type a Description (optional)
4.Select a Role Type*
5.Select the Only System Users Can Assign This Role check box if editing and assignment of this role should be available only to users who have the System permission (i.e., selecting this box prevents anybody without the System permission from modifying this role or granting it to a user)
6.Enter a Timeout in minutes

Timeout Settings The Timeout value is the number of minutes that a user's session can be idle before the user is logged out of CISPro Global. Timeout must be an integer of 1 to 4 digits. A timeout value of 0 will cause the session never to timeout.

7.Click Save


*There are two role types, Read and Write.  Read type users cannot perform any additions, modifications or deletions to the data (i.e., they are "view only" users).  Write type users may have very strictly constrained or very broad permissions, but can modify at least some aspects of the data.  Read type, Write type, and Total users are tracked separately in terms of the number allowed to be logged on concurrently.  (This is configured by your administrator).


Editing an existing Role

1.Click on the Role Name you wish to edit from the list at the left edge of the screen
2.Edit some fields (note that Role Type is not editable).
3.Click Save


Deleting an existing Role

Note that if the Role is currently assigned to a user, it can not be deleted (if the user attempts to delete a role that's in use, an error will be displayed).

1.Click on the Role Name you want to delete from the list at the left edge of the page
2.Click on the Role link at the top of the page to display a pull-down menu
3.Click Delete This Role
4.Click Yes at the Confirmation prompt


Assigning permissions to a Role

1.Click on a Role in the list at the left edge of the page
2.Click the Permissions link at the bottom of the page
3.Select all permissions to be granted to the role
4.Click Apply at the bottom of the page

Copying Roles

CISPro Global provides a large number of permissions to allow precise control over user access. Although this provides administrators with many options for determining who can perform specific functions, selecting all of the permission check boxes can be time consuming. To reduce the amount of duplicate work, CISPro Global can copy the permissions settings from one role to another.

1.On the Configure Roles page (System Configuration > Roles), select the role to which permissions will be copied
2.Click the Permissions link
3.From the drop-down list at the bottom of the page, select the role whose permissions will be copied to the current role.
4.Click the Copy from Role button


Note: The set of copied permissions will be effective when users assigned to the role log in.


The following is a list of the permissions available in CISPro Global. Note that some permissions are On/Off type (Allow/Prohibit), while others have View/Create/Modify/Delete options. The difference is that Allow/Prohibit usually implies a workflow that is granted (for example, receiving is a "workflow," as it requires several steps to complete). View/Create/Modify/Delete implies that there are rows of data that can be edited individually (for example, editing the location or owner of a particular material container).

There is also a set of duplicate permissions that refer to "GMP." GMP Materials are controlled by release criteria (Standards), a feature of the CISPro Global Material Qualification Module.

Note: Permissions marked with an asterisk use the Material Qualification Module.

Permission Name

Permission Code


All System Config

Permissions (Global)


Allows system configuration access to global setup such as business units, sites, workunits, locations, methods

All System Config

Permissions (Site-based)


Allows system configuration to site-specific items such as locations for site, workunits at site

Allow Synonym Editing w. Appr. Vendors


Allow user to edit synonyms that have been used by approved vendors

Allows converting GMP containers to Basic*


Allows converting GMP containers to Basic

Constituent MIL Permissions


Allows user to View/Create/Modify/Delete constituent mil records

Container Move Request Basic


Allows a user to request a move for a basic container

Container Move Request GMP*


Allows a user to request a move for a GMP container

Container Move Request

Worklist Access


Allows a user to access the Container Move Request Worklist

Container Permissions Basic


Create permissions is what allows receivers to create containers. Other permissions allow access to containers in the system based on their position.

Container Permissions GMP*


Same as basic but applies only to containers received under a GMP standard (this is how GMP containers are created).

Container Properties


Allows user to View/Create/Modify/Delete properties for individual containers.

Container Transfer Basic


Allows a user to access the inter-site transfer mechanism for basic containers

Container Transfer GMP*


Allows a user to access the inter-site transfer mechanism for GMP containers

Dispense Container (direct)


Allows users to dispense quantities from containers located at non-central group locations.

Dispense Container*

(from self-serve requisition)


Allows users to dispense quantities from containers located within self-serve inventory group locations.

Dispense Containers*

(from central requisition)


Allows users to dispense quantities from containers located within central inventory group locations.

Document Permissions


Allows changes to the documents tab for a material

Locations Config


Allows changes to a site's locations

Lot Properties


Allows view, create, modify permissions for properties assigned to lots or batches.

Manage Constituent Materials


Controls View/Create/Modify/Delete of constituent materials. Modify and Delete require the Manage Materials (Globally Assessed) permission set.

Manage Materials



View/Create/Modify/Delete materials that have Local status level and were created at the user's site

Manage Materials

(Globally Assessed)


Similar to (Local) but for materials which are at Globally Assessed status level.

Manage Materials

(Site Reviewed)


Similar to (Local) but for materials which are at Site Reviewed status level.

Manage Packages


Allows user to view/create/modify/delete the packages defined for a material (Suppliers link on the Containers tab for a material).

Manage Vendors


Allows user to view/create/modify/delete vendors on the Vendor Configuration page. Create and Modify allow user access from the configure packages page.

Maximum Inventory Level



Allows a user to set Maximum Inventory levels by location for materials.

Methods Permissions*


Allows users to edit/create methods

Orders - Complete


Allows a user to complete an order

Orders - Create Carts of Items


Allows a user to create and add items to a cart

Orders - Submit GMP*

from Self


Allows a user to place orders for GMP materials from his own cart only

Orders - Submit GMP

from Work Unit*


Allows a user to place orders for GMP materials from any cart in his workunit (including his own)

Orders - Submit non-GMP

from Self


Allows a user to place orders for basic materials from his own cart only

Orders - Submit non-GMP

from Work Unit


Allows a user to place orders for basic materials from any cart in his workunit (including his own)

Package Approval


When the Package Approval module is in use, with this permission users have the ability to approve packages for receipt.



Allows user access to project configuration (requires the Projects module).


(for materials)


Allows users to define/change properties assigned to materials (material Properties tab)

Properties Config


Allows users to define what properties are available in the system (globally).

Receipt Lots (basic) Permissions


View/Create/Modify/Delete receipt lots created using research standards

Receipt Lots (gmp) Approval*


Allows user to do first approval of receipt lot created using GMP standard

Receipt Lots (gmp) Permissions*


View/Create/Modify/Delete receipt lots created using GMP standards

Receipt Lots (gmp) Reapproval*


Allows user to do re-approval of receipt lot created using GMP standard

Receiving Basic Containers


Allows receiving (creating containers) without standards and with research standards

Receiving GMP Containers*


Allows receiving (creating containers) with GMP standards

Reconciliation Collect


Allows a user to create a reconciliation and load the Reconcile Container Locations program onto a Videx.

Reconciliation Complete


Allows a user to close or cancel an existing reconciliation

Reports Permissions


Allows access to configuring reports

Requisitions Permissions*


Allows user to create requisitions

Results Entry*


Allows user to enter results for their workunit

Results Verification*


Allows user to verify entered results for their workunit

Samples and Results



Allows a user to modify and/or cancel samples waiting to be collected, and to cancel results awaiting approval on the Results for Receipt Lot worklist

Samples Collect*


Allows user to collect samples for their workunit

Samples Deliver (Submit)*


Allows user to deliver samples for their workunit

Standards Approval GMP*


User can approve GMP standards at own site

Standards Research*


User can View/Create/Modify/Delete Research standards

Standards Global*


Allows user to View/Create/Modify/Delete Global Standards.

Standards GMP*


User can View/Create/Modify/Delete GMP standards

Standards Properties*


User can View/Create/Modify/Delete properties for standards.

Standards Regulatory

Information Drafting*


The stand_sri_draft permission allows a user to view/create/modify/delete SRI records whose status is 'Draft,' or to change their status from Missing to Draft, but not to change their status to Reviewed.


With stand_sri_draft View, user sees 'SRI to Review' in home page task list.


With stand_sri_draft Modify, user can change set SRI status to/from Obsolete.


(Any user that had the stand_sri_draft permission in earlier versions of CISPro now has all four permissions.)

Standards Regulatory Information



Allows the user to change the status of SRI records from Draft to Reviewed and back. Includes 'SRI to Review' in home page task list.

Standards Regulatory Information

Review Group Configuration*


Allows access to SRI review group membership configuration.


For All Users At Site


With the Transfer/Dispose worklist, user can transfer and filter to all users at site


For All Users At Workunit


With the Transfer/Dispose worklist, user can transfer and filter to all users in workunit


For Self


With the Transfer/Dispose worklist, user can filter to worklist current user (self), and dispose only

View Waste Container Worklist


Available only when the Waste Manager module is enabled.
Allows user to view Waste Containers Worklist

Waste Container Permissions


Available only when the Waste Manager module is enabled.
User can View/Create/Modify/Delete waste materials and containers

Work Unit Config


User can configure own workunit

Dispense containers "from Requisition"


Allow user to dispense from requisitions

Manage Asset Materials


View/Create/Modify/Delete Asset type materials

Merge Materials


Allow user to merge materials

Requisitioning in basic


Allow user to create and manage requisitions