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The Configuration section presents topics in the order they should be configured for an initial deployment, because some items need to be configured before others for initial deployment. Over the lifetime of the application, many of these items will be added to, adjusted, or disabled as business needs change.

The following settings are configured either directly in the database or in files included by ChemSW during deployment:

logo_inc.asp This file may contain a reference to a company logo and/or title to be displayed on the login page. It also allows a system wide message to be displayed on the login page (for example, to notify users of a scheduled service interruption).

config.asp Contains the following settings:

cache_dir This is the local file path on the web server for storing temporary files for the user. The web server IUSR account must have full read/write/delete privileges to this directory.

UNIQUE_SEQUENCES Table Records in this table represent the current barcode ID value for various elements (containers, samples, retains).

DATA_DICTIONARY Table maxsurrogateprimekey The CAF server's seed value for primary key values within each table. This should not be changed without explicit instructions from ChemSW support. Changing these values may cause the server to fail.


See Also: System Configuration, Configuration Variables