Material Properties

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Configuration > Properties > Material Properties

Some property options are available only to material properties. Material properties have the following attributes in addition to those listed in Creating Properties.

Display Tab The Display Tab setting determines the material tab on which a property is displayed. Material properties can be assigned to any one of the Properties, Identity, Hazards, or Physical tabs, though tab options are dependent on the material's type and class.

Default for Class Selecting anything other than [Any Class Allowed] will make this an automatically assigned property. See Automatically Assigned Properties, below.

Required A Required property is automatically assigned to every material whose class matches the property's Default for Class selection. If a Required property's Default for Class is [Any Class Allowed], the property is assigned to all materials.

Assigning Properties to Materials

There are two ways to assign properties to materials: Manually and Automatically.

Manually Assigned Material Properties

Manually assigned properties are those that a user applies to a specific material. Assigning a property to a material this way does not affect any other materials in CISPro Global.

Assign a Property Manually

1.Select a material
2.Select the Properties tab
3.Click the Add Property link to open the Assigned Material Properties page
4.For each property to be assigned to the material:
1.Select the property from the drop-down list
2.Click the Add button to add the property and display it in the property grid


The newly added property (or properties) is displayed on the tab specified in its Display Tab setting. Its value is 'blank' (a link), and will remain that way until it is modified (see Assigning Property Values).

Automatically Assigned Material Properties

Properties may be automatically assigned to one or more materials. There are three ways that a property may be automatically assigned to materials: Default for Class, the Required flag, and PCID Sync.

1.Default for Class When a property's Default for Class is set to a specific class, the property is assigned to every material of that class. If a material's class is subsequently modified, the class-specific property will be removed from the material.
Selecting a Default for Class value other than [Any Class Allowed] assigns the property to every existing and every subsequently created material of the selected class.
Selecting [Any Class Allowed] creates the property without assigning it to any materials. The property can be assigned to any material.
Deleting an automatically assigned property deletes the property and its value (if there is one) from every material to which it is assigned.
2.Required Material properties have a Required check box which, if selected, assigns the property to all materials of whatever class is selected in the Default for Class list. The check box does not change system behavior if Default for Class is set to anything except [Any Class Allowed]. However, if [Any Class Allowed] is selected, checking Required will cause the property to be assigned to every material.
3.PCID Sync Another way of automatically assigning properties to a material is to import the PCID properties from the ChemCat database. These properties are matched to materials on the basis of CAS number. See the PCID topic in the Reference section for details.

Whether by manual or automatic assignment, after properties have been added, values still need to be assigned to the properties before they will have any real meaning for a particular material (see Assigning Property Values).

Search for Materials by Property

The material search allows the user to search materials by property. This search can be a simple search (for a single property), or a compound search (i.e., for two or more properties at once).



Search for a Single Property

1.Go to the Material Search page
2.Select 'Property' from the search type drop-down list
3.When the drop-down list with all the defined properties appears, select a property
4.Select a match type (e.g., Begins, Exact, After, Less Than)
5.Enter a value to search against

Note: if the property is a multi-value property, pick one of the multiple values of the property to search against, and then specify the search value.

6.Click Search

Perform a Compound Search

1.Perform steps 1-5 from single-property search instructions
2.Click Advanced
3.Click Add Row
4.Select 'And,' 'And Not,' or 'Or' from the first search drop-down in the new row

Note: And Not searches return only materials that have all properties in search criteria. Any material that has not been assigned one or more of the search properties will not be included.

5.Select 'Property' from the search type drop-down list
6.When the drop-down list with all the defined properties appears, select a property
7.Select a match type (e.g., Begins, Exact, After, Before)
8.Enter a value to search against
9.Repeat steps 3-8 for each additional row
10.Click Search