Configuration > Properties > Creating Properties
Properties are managed on the Configure Properties page, which can be accessed from System Configuration, and via the Define Properties link on every properties page.
1. | Log in as a user with the props_config permission |
2. | On any page on which properties are displayed (Material Properties, Lot Edit, Container Edit, etc.), click the Define Properties link |
1. | Click the Property menu item at the top of the screen to display a pull-down menu |
3. | Select an Object type (User, Material, Lot, or Container) from the list |
4. | Select or enter any Object Type-specific settings
Some property settings apply only to specific object types. For example, Material properties can be Required or have a Default for Class value, while Container and Lot properties can have Allow Batch Entry.
See the individual properties topics (Material Properties, Container Properties,etc.) for details. |
6. | Select the Property Type |
7. | Select the Read Only check box if creating a Read-Only property
A 'Read Only' property is like any property, except that only the property name is assigned to the material, container, lot, etc.
No value is entered for the property once it's assigned. |
8. | Click Save, and do one of the following: |
• | If the property type is List or Multi-List, go to List and Multi-List Property Options |
• | If the property type is Multi-Value, go to Multi-Value Property Options |

Note: After saving the new property, the user can select from the Regex Validation drop-down a regular expression for validating the values entered for this property (see Regular Expressions for more).
List and Multi-List properties require the additional step of defining options from which a user can choose.
1. | Click the Option List button |
2. | Enter the value of the option into the ext box and click the Add Option button |
3. | Repeat step 2 to add more options as needed |
4. | Click the Back to Property link at the top of the screen to return to the Configure Properties page |
Like List and Multi-List properties, Multi-Value properties have options to be defined. But Multi-Value options are meant to be used as a group, and the user provides the values for the defined options, rather than selecting one or more from a pre-defined set. Five edit boxes appear on the screen:
1. | Enter an option name in each text box, for up to five options |
1. | Click on a Property name in the list at the left edge of the Configure Properties page |
Note that deleting a property means deleting it from any materials to which it is assigned, regardless of whether the property has any value on those materials.
1. | Click on the property name in the list at the left edge of the Configure Properties page |
2. | Click on the Property menu item at the top of the screen to display a pull-down menu |
3. | Select Delete This Property* |
4. | Click Yes at the Confirmation prompt |
*For List, Multi-List, and Multi-Value properties, options may need to be deleted before the property is deleted.
Removing Properties from Records
To remove a property from a record and keep the property available for other records:
1. | On any record type, click the property's Value link |
2. | On the Edit Properties page, click the Delete button |
3. | Click OK to confirm delete |
Assigning Values to Properties
When properties are added to records, they are initially assigned the value 'blank,' which displays as a link on the properties page. Setting or changing a property's value is done by clicking this link and either typing new values, or selecting different options, depending on the property type.

1. | Click the 'blank' link on the property whose value is to be changed |
2. | Modify the property value (or values) as necessary |
Note: The type of property determines what page opens when the property value link is clicked. For example, if Toxicity Value is a list type property, there will be a set of mutually exclusive check boxes with values like high, moderate, and low, and you will be able to select one.
When you assign values to properties, those values display on the Properties tab (or properties page, in the case of containers and lots). They will always be displayed as links, as they are always editable.