Configuration > Properties > Container Properties
CISPro Global supports the use of properties on containers. In contrast to material properties, which apply to the material record (including all containers for each material), and lots (which apply to all containers in a receipt lot), container properties are applied to individual containers.
Container properties have a 'propagate' option. When a container has a property with the propagate option enabled, the property is inherited by all containers that are created during a dispense operation from it. A user with appropriate permissions can create new container properties and apply properties to individual containers.
Container properties can be added, modified, or removed via links on the Container Information page. All properties that are assigned to a container will appear in a grid on this page. Container properties can also be displayed on the Containers tab in material view.
Access to container properties is granted via the permissions shown below.
View, Create, Modify, and Delete Container Properties
See Roles for a complete list of permissions
1. | Click the Properties link on the System Configuration page |
2. | Click Property on the menu and select New Property |
3. | Select Container from the Object Type drop-down list (the page contents will change, displaying container-specific settings) |
4. | Type a name in the Property Name field |
5. | Select a type from the Property Type drop-down list (see Properties for a description of Property Types) |
6. | To make the property available for application during lot receipt and batch editing, select the Allow Batch Entry check box |
7. | Select the Propagate to Child Containers check box if this property should also be applied to all containers created during dispense operations from containers with this property |
8. | Set the Display Order to control where in the properties list this property will appear |
Note: After saving the new property, the user can select options for list type properties (see Properties), and select from the Regex Validation drop-down a regular expression for validating the values entered for this property (see Regular Expressions for more).

Display Property on Containers Tab
Container properties (except those whose type is multi-value) can be displayed on the Containers tab in material view. When container properties are displayed on the grid, they are shown in the right-most columns, and by their Display Order values.
1. | Click the Properties link on the System Configuration page |
2. | On the Configure Properties page, select the container property that is to be displayed on the Containers tab |
3. | Select the Display In Grid check box to show the property name as a column on the Containers tab grid |
4. | In the Display Order text box, set the order in which the property should appear when two or more property columns are shown on the grid |
Applying Container Properties
Container properties can be added to any container, provided the user has appropriate permissions.
1. | On the material containers tab, click a container barcode link |
2. | Click the Container Properties link in the Also section |
3. | Click the Add Property link to open the Assigned Material Properties page |
Note: Clicking the Define Properties link on the Properties for Container page will open the Configure Properties page, where new properties can be added, and existing properties modified.
4. | Select a property from the drop-down list and click Add |
5. | Click the Back to Container Properties menu option |
6. | Click the 'blank' link for the newly added property to open the Edit Properties page |
7. | Type a property value into the text box (or select one or more list options) and click the Save button |
8. | Click the Back to Container Properties menu option to return to the Container Information page |