Configuration > Properties > Lot Properties
CISPro Global supports the creation of properties for receipt lots. With the proper permissions, a user can view, create, modify or delete lot properties. Lot properties are assigned to an entire lot at once, rather than a single container as with container properties or an entire material record as with material properties. (See Properties for more detailed information about the characteristics and use of properties in general.)
Creating Lot properties
Lot Properties are created on the Configure Properties page, accessible via the Properties link on the System Configuration page.

1. | On the Home Page, click the System Configuration link to open the Configure System page |
2. | Click the Properties link to open the Configure Properties page |
3. | Click Property on the top menu, and select New Property |
4. | From the Object Type drop-down list, select Lot |
Note: When the Lot object type is selected, the Restrict to Class drop-down list is hidden, as it does not apply to lots. Aside from not having restrictions to class settings, Lot Properties are like Material Properties, with each property having a unique name and a particular data type: text, date, list, multi-list, multi-value, memo, and logical.
7. | Select the Read Only check box if creating a Read-Only property
A 'Read Only' property is like any property, except that only the property name is assigned to the material, container, lot, etc.
No value is entered for the property once it's assigned. |
8. | To make the property available for application during lot receipt, select the Allow Batch Entry check box |
9. | Enter a Display Order value |
Note: For instructions on creating the options for list type properties, see the Properties topic.
Viewing Lot Properties
Lot properties are displayed in a grid on the Lot Details page. Users can add properties to the lot, or define new properties, via the Add Property/Define Property links. Click the Receipt Lot Number link on the Container Information page to open the Receipt Lot Details page.
Assign Properties to a Lot
The Lot Details page displays existing properties for the selected lot, as well as two links: Add Property, and Define Properties. The Add Property link will open the Assigned Material Properties page, where the user can assign properties to the selected lot.
1. | On the Assigned Material Properties page, select a property from the drop-down list |
2. | Click the Add button (the added property will appear in the Property grid) |
3. | Repeat steps 1 and 2 to assign more properties as needed |
4. | Click the Back to Lot menu item to return to the Properties for Lot page |
5. | Click the Back to Lot menu item again to return to the Lot Details page |
The Define Properties link (which also appears on the Assigned Material Properties page) opens the Configure Properties page where the user can create new properties. Clicking the Define Properties link takes the user out of the lot property assignment workflow. To return to the process, click either Materials or Standards on the top menu, and navigate back to the Lot Details page for the lot that was being edited.
On the Properties for Lot page, the lot’s assigned properties are listed in a grid that includes the Lot number, the Property name, and a link for the Value of the property.

1. | Click the link in the Value column to open the Edit Properties page |
2. | Set the value for the selected property (acceptable values are dependent on the Property Type) |
4. | Click the Back to Lot menu item to return to the Properties for Lot page |
To remove a property from a receipt lot, click the value link and click the Delete button on the Edit Properties page.
1. | On the Configure Properties page, select a property to delete |
2. | Click the Property menu item |
3. | Select Delete This Property |