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Reference > PCID The Pure Chemical Compounds Inventory database (PCID), part of the ChemCat electronic catalog, contains hazard, health and physical, and other property data on pure chemical compounds that can be matched to the chemicals in your own inventory by CAS number. Once matched, these properties can be imported and will behave exactly like regular user-defined material properties. There are more than 70 properties defined in the PCID database, ranging in subject from detailed biohazard information to storage details, as well as specific chemical and structural properties of materials. Pure chemical compounds can be imported from the ChemCat catalog with the PCID properties that are selected for import on the Configure ChemCat Properties Import. When PCID properties are imported, their values are imported as well. PCID properties appear on the Properties tab as 'pcid.propertyname.' There are two PCID property types: text or logical (true/false). Updating Existing Materials with PCID Properties PCID properties can also be imported into an existing material record. If there is a chemical in the CISPro Global inventory with the same CAS # as a material in the PCID database, you can search for the CAS # in the ChemCat catalog and import the PCID properties and their values onto the existing material. (See ChemCat (electronic catalogs) for help.) Another method of updating existing materials with PCID properties is synching. PCID synching adds or updates properties on materials that are already defined in CISPro Global data. The sync_pcid configuration variable controls whether existing properties are updated if they are not blank, and whether PCID properties are synched at all. Configure PCID Property Sync
Never: Do not sync PCID properties with the PCID database on existing chemicals Nullonly: Sync existing chemicals with the PCID database only on PCID properties that have no value set Overwrite: Sync PCID properties with the PCID database on existing chemicals, regardless of existing property values
Changes are effective upon your next login
A PCID property that has been imported remains in the CISPro Global properties list, regardless of whether it is attached to any existing materials. For help on searching PCID to view specific properties on any material, see Searching PCID. Selecting which PCID Properties to Import When a material is imported from ChemCat, any PCID property that is configured to import (and applicable to the material) is displayed on the imported material's property tab. To Specify which PCID Properties are Imported
ChemCat is an optional module that can be purchased from ChemSW, Inc. or through one of its distributors. Please contact your Sales Representative for more information.