ChemCat (electronic catalogs)

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Reference > ChemCat (electronic catalogs)

ChemCat is an optional module* that consists of catalogs, or lists, in databases of chemical information that are produced and sold as encyclopedic references covering a broad range of chemical materials. Because these databases are available in electronic form and can be updated, they are a valuable resource to many CISPro Global users.

CISPro Global provides a simple, user friendly means of searching, viewing and importing chemicals from ChemCat catalogs into its user interface.

ChemCat catalogs typically provide the following for each material:

A list of synonyms
Material type
CAS number
Chemical formula
Package information (vendor, size, catalog number)
Specific gravity
Physical state
R&S phrases
Hazard pictograms
MSDS information
Chemical structure (MOL file)
PCID properties, which can also be matched to existing chemicals in your database

Searching ChemCat Catalogs

The ChemCat search page works in a way similar to the material search page. Users can perform Begins, Exact, and Contains searches by chemical Name, CAS, Catalog No, Vendor Name, ChemCat List, ChemCat ID, and Product No.

Required Permissions








Search Chemcat






Name | Begins| Undecanal

CAS | Contains | -44-7

ChemCat List | Exact | Fisher

To Search in ChemCat

1.Click the Cispro menu icon, and select Tools > ChemCat
2.Set the search criteria and click Search

Compound Searches

Like material searching, the ChemCat search page supports compound searches.

To Search Using Multiple Criteria

1.On the ChemCat search page, click the Advanced link
2.Click the Add Row button
3.Set the search criteria in the new row
4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 for additional rows


The ChemCat search can also be accessed from the material search page. Whenever a material search yields no hits, a 'Search ChemCat' link is displayed in the empty hit list.

Importing Materials from the ChemCat Catalog

Materials that are returned as matches in a ChemCat search can be imported into the CISPro Global material list. For each  material selected from the results list, there is a drop-down list that is labeled 'Import as new material.' This list contains all of the synonyms for the selected material. The synonym that is selected is used as the material name if the material is imported. Once the import is complete, the new material is displayed on the Material Identity tab.

To Import a Material from the ChemCat Search Results

1.Select a material from the results
2.From the 'Import as new material' drop-down list, select the synonym that is to be used as the imported material's name
3.Click Import


ChemCat Import Options

Material Type The material can be imported as a different type from that shown in ChemCat. To change the type, select a different option from the list before importing.

Physical State To import the material with a different physical state from that shown in ChemCat, select the state from the list before importing.

Packages In addition to the material information, specific package information can be imported, and used later for receiving. Select packages from the grid before importing. If the unit of measure on a package does not already exist in CISPro Global, it is automatically created. On packages without product numbers, the catalog number is written to the product number field on import.

Packages with Multiple Sizes: When ChemCat packages with multiple sizes are imported, the first size is applied to the package.

Importing into an Existing Material

One of the main benefits of having access to a ChemCat catalog is that it can be updated periodically to offer the most current information and selection of materials available. Thus, one thing you may want to do periodically is to update the information on the materials in your CISPro Global database.

When a material that already exists in CISPro Global is selected in the results list of a ChemCat search, two import options are available: 'Import as new material,' and 'Import into existing material.*' The 'Import as new material' option includes a list of all the ChemCat material's synonyms that are not already material names in CISPro Global, and the 'Import into existing material' option includes a list of every material whose main synonym matches one of the ChemCat material's synonyms.



*The 'Import as new material,' and 'Import into existing material' options are both available while at least one but not all of the ChemCat material's synonyms are already material names in CISPro Global. When all of the ChemCat material's synonyms already exist as material names in CISPro Global, only an 'Import into existing material' option is available.

To Import into an Existing Material

1.Perform a ChemCat search for a material that exists in the CISPro Global material list
2.Select the material in the results list
3.Select the 'Import into existing material' radio button
4.Choose a material from the existing material drop-down list
5.If the existing material is to be updated with Chemcat's data (includes PCID properties), select the 'Override Existing Data' check box
6.Click Import



*ChemCat can be purchased from ChemSW, Inc. or through one of its distributors.  Please contact your Sales Representative for more information.