Container Barcode ID Assignment

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Reference > Container Barcode ID Assignment

CISPro Global assigns every container a unique barcode ID to ensure a reliable method of locating containers, and the ability to record any events that affect them, such as changes in quantity, and disposals. Container barcode IDs are generated automatically by CISPro Global, unless the default configuration is changed.


The default barcode ID settings, and the configuration variables that can be used to change these settings, are described here. See Configuration for more configuration options.


Unique IDs

By default, container barcode IDs are required to be globally unique. That is, an ID can be used only once within CISPro Global. This behavior can be changed via  the 'sitebarcodes' configuration variable (see Configuration Variables).


'Unique by Site' Option

If the 'sitebarcodes' configuration variable is set to 1, container barcode IDs must be unique within a site, but not globally unique. With this configuration, Site A and Site B can each have a container with barcodeid 123456. If 'sitebarcodes' = 0, however, the 123456 ID can occur only once within the entire CISPro Global system.


To Require Unique Container ID by Site*

1.Click the System (or System Configuration) link on the home page
2.Click sitebarcodes in the variable list
3.Set Variable Value to 1
4.Click Save


Use Custom Barcode ID when Receiving

Although CISPro Global automatically assigns IDs to containers during material receipt, the user has the option of specifying one or more IDs manually. User-defined barcode IDs must follow the same uniqueness rules as system-generated container IDs.


To Turn on the Ability to Enter User-defined Barcode IDs*

1.Click the System (or System Configuration) link on the home page
2.Click userbarcodes in the variable list
3.Set Variable Value to 1
4.Click Save
5.Log out and log in again to activate the feature


When the userbarcodes feature is on, the receiving process will prompt the user to enter IDs into a text box (one per line). When the containers are assigned IDs during the receipt, the user-defined IDs will be used in the order in which they were entered.


If more containers are received than user-defined IDs entered, CISPro Global will apply all of the user-defined IDs and then resume applying system-generated IDs.
If more user-defined IDs are provided than containers received, CISPro Global will discard the unused IDs.


Important: When entering custom barcode IDs during the receiving process, keep in mind that your custom IDs may conflict with CISPro Global's automatic numbering system. For example, if the last automatically assigned barcode ID was 100000, and one of your custom barcodes is 100001, CISPro Global will still try to assign 100001 during the next receipt, and will generate an error indicating a conflict. In this case, click the Submit button on the receive page until the receiving process is able to resume.


Use First Container ID as Receipt Lot Number

CISPro Global assigns a lot number to every container received. Containers that are received together have a common lot number. Though lot numbers are assigned automatically by default, the first barcode ID in each receipt lot can be used as the lot number for all containers in the lot.


To Use First Barcode ID in Receipt Lot as Lot Number*

1.Click the System (or System Configuration) link on the home page
2.Click usebarcodeaslotno in the variable list
3.Set Variable Value to 1
4.Click Save


*Feature is activated at next login.