Dynamic Reports |
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Configuration > Reports > Dynamic Reports The Dynamic Reports feature gives users the ability to create reports without requiring knowledge of CISPro Global's database architecture. In contrast to Static Reports, which are based on SQL queries that are generally created and then left unchanged, Dynamic Reports can be created and modified rapidly, and can even be used once and discarded. Accessing Dynamic Reports
The Dynamic Reports page displays existing dynamic reports, and allows the user three options: create a new report, edit an existing report, or delete an existing report.
Report Permissions Creating, modifying, and deleting Dynamic Reports requires the following permissions:
See Roles for a complete list of permissions Creating Dynamic Reports The first step in creating a report is selecting the table on which the report will be based. The table options are: Containers, Materials, and Users.
Default Settings If the Containers Table option is used, the report is started with 'Container Class = container' and 'Site ID = 1' as default filters.
Report Settings The report name, type, and other settings for Dynamic Reports are described in the table below. Modify these settings as needed for any report that is to be saved (they are not required for one-time-use reports).
Enable Auto Links When the "Enable Auto Links" check box is selected, certain items on the report will become links that, when clicked, open more detailed screens of information about the particular item clicked. The following table lists the auto link items and the pages they open:
Configuring the Report's Content The report is built via the selection of Headings (table columns) from a picklist. The application of logical operators (and, and not, not, or) and filters determines which records are included. In addition to headings from the Materials and Containers tables, reports can include material and container properties, subject to the same filters used for the other headings. A report that is run without filters will return all records* from the table for which it is created. For example, a report that's based on the Containers table will include every container in its results, unless some filters are applied to limit what containers are included. Adding filters is accomplished by selecting a column name from the 'Heading' drop-down list, and then setting criteria for the selected column.
Add Report Filters
* Limit the number of records The number of rows in Dynamic Report output can be limited via the reportingrows configuration variable (see Configuration). The default limit is 10,000 rows. Tip! To add additional criteria on any heading, click its 'More Filters' button, and set the criteria according to the guidelines in the table shown above. Controlling the Report's Appearance All headings included on the report act as filters on the report's contents, but whether and how they appear on the report is determined by the following filter settings:
Preview and Save Report Options A preview of the dynamic report is always displayed at the bottom of the report builder page. The preview displays the first 15 rows of the report. Preview and save options include:
Preview the Entire Report To see the entire report while still in design mode, click Run Report. Use your browser's save options to save the report in your choice of format. Alternatively, you have the option of saving the report as an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the View in Excel link at the bottom of the actual report. Run a Report from the Home Page Once the report is saved, it can be run from the home page. Reports that have one or more headings with Prompt selected will prompt the user for input.
Other Options
Viewing a Report's SQL Query At the bottom of the Build a Report page, the SQL query that will be used to select the report content is displayed in the Report SQL box. This query is updated each time a change is made to the report settings. The Report SQL content can be used to prepare Dynamic Reports like those described above, and have them automatically sent to others via email on some regular schedule of your choosing. See the Email Report Notifications topic for further information. Modifying Dynamic Reports Click the Dynamic Reports link on the System Configuration page to see a list of the dynamic reports you have access to. If you have modify permission to a particular report, click the Edit Report button to open the report building screen, where you may modify the report. Click the Save Changes button to save your modifications. Deleting Dynamic Reports To delete a report, click the Delete Report button to the right of the report name. Be sure that you really want to delete it, because you will not be prompted for confirmation of the deletion. View Report in Excel Users can view report content in Microsoft Excel. When a report is run, a 'View in Excel' link is displayed at the end of the report. Click the link to view the report in Excel. Changing the Decimal Separator Symbol Setting the dynrep_usecommas configuration variable to '1' enables the user to choose either periods or commas as the decimal separator symbol on report output. Changing Column Names The names of the columns that appear on the report can be changed via the Report Column Names link on the System Configuration page.