Static Reports

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Configuration > Reports > Static Reports

Static reports are based on user-generated queries embedded in XML. These reports can be generated either as columnar data in XLS (Excel) format, or as pre-designed reports created as FR3/FRF report files. Regardless of which output method is used, these reports require an administrator to design a custom layout and query configuration.

Note the Excel Only option is only available for reports whose SQP (query content) does not contain nested queries.

They provide more advanced layout control than files, but are more complicated to configure. If FR3/FRF layout files are used to create the report, the user has an option to select one of the following output formats when the report is run: HTML, XLS, RTF or PDF. The reports can also be designed either to prompt the user for text that can be used to filter results, or to filter results automatically (see Automatic Report Parameters), or both.

Designing Static Reports is a complex subject that is not included in this topic. System administrators are provided with a help file for use of the report's layout engine, and ChemSW support provides assistance in training and construction of queries and their report layouts. Once a report query file (.SQP file) and the matching report layout file (.FRF or .FRF3) have been created, CISPro Global must be configured to use it. That is the subject of this topic.

Configuring Static Reports

Like Printed Labels, reports have a name, a Used For setting, and two components. But the configuration steps are slightly different.

Configuring Reports

1.Log in as a global admin (a user with All System Config Permission)
2.Click the System Configuration link
3.Click the Reports link

Creating a new Report

1.Select Report > New Report on the pull-down menu
2.Enter a Report Name (required), and Description (optional, but recommended)
3.Type or paste the contents of the SQP file into the Query Config box.
4.Click Save
5.Choose a report generation method:
For Excel-only reports, select the Excel Only check box
For FR3 reports, click the Select File... link, then locate and select the FRF or FR3 report file to be used
6.Click Save

Editing an existing Report

1.Click on the Report name you wish to edit from the list at the left edge of the screen
2.Edit fields
3.Click Save

If the layout file must be changed

1.Click the Export File... link
2.Save the FRF or FR3 file on the hard disk to edit it (contact a system administrator for help)
After the FRF or FR3 file has been changed:
3.Click the Select File... link
4.Click the Browse... button and select the appropriate FRF or FR3 file for this SQP file
5.Click Save

Deleting a Report

1.Click on the Report name you wish to delete from the list at the left edge of the screen
2.Select Report > Delete This Report on the pull-down menu
3.Click Yes at the Confirmation prompt

