Reference > Packages > About Packages
A package is a definition of a product, usually by a particular manufacturer and (optionally) a supplier. A material can have any number of packages, and each package can have any number of sizes (size is used synonymously with package detail here. They are the same thing).
Access to package configuration is granted via the following permissions
Manage packages
See Roles for a complete list of permissions
Because containers are always received (created) using a package, it is critical that the user understand how packages are created, what their limitations are, and how they are used.
A material can have 0 or more packages, and a package can belong to only one material. Packages can have 1 or more size records, also called package detail records (the first size is created automatically when the package is created). Package details can have 1 cost record per currency.
When a package is created, it can be applied either to all sites, or only to the site at which is being created. The configuration variable all_site_pkgs will, when set, enable all new packages as available for basic receipt by default in all sites. When the configuration variable is not set, only the package creator's site will see the package by default in basic receipt. A user can still go to the Configure Packages page to see all defined packages.

Product Number
The manufacturer's product number
Usually the manufacturer's description such as purity grade, version, model, etc.
The manufacturer or supplier. This is a configured list.
The package supplier. This is a configured list.
Initial Qty
The quantity of material in the container when it’s received. For package details whose Unit of Measure is Each, this is the number of units in the package (e.g., 12 units per case).
Unit of Measure
The drop-down list is a user-defined list of units of measure (configured from the System page). UOMs can be measured in weights, volumes, eaches, and radioactivity units.
Quantity per Each
For packages whose Unit of Measure is Each, this indicates the quantity within each unit in the package.
Unit of Measure per Each
The Unit of Measure that applies to Quantity per Each.
Container Type
Usually a description of the container type, such as bottle, jug, tote, box, drum, etc.
For Dispensing Only
Packages with this check box selected are only available for dispensing, not for receiving.
Catalog Number
The manufacturer's catalog number
The Universal Product Code for the package/size configuration
The currency in which cost is expressed. This is a configured list.
Cost per [unit of measure]
Cost in selected currency for each unit (example: if unit of measure is grams, this is the cost per gram).
Cost per Package
Cost in selected currency for each full package size, so if you entered an initial quantity of 10 and the unit of measure is grams, this is the cost per 10 gram package.