Configuration > Units of Measure
Standard unit of measure (UOM) records are used to support the consistent measurement of material quantities. Units of measure are relevant to defining packages, receiving, and dispensing. A unit of measure consists of a name, a unit type, and a conversion factor.
A quantity measured in one UOM can be converted to another UOM of the same type by use of the conversion factor. A quantity measured in a UOM of one type can be converted to another UOM of a different type (from a weight to a volume, for example) by use of the material's specific gravity value.
Weight Can be converted to volume using specific gravity of material. Can be converted to other weights using a conversion factor. Examples: KG, GM, MG, LB, OZ.
Note: CISPro Global also supports radioactivity Units of Measure for the Each UOM type. See Radioactivity for more information on this type of UOM.

1. | Log in as a global admin |
2. | Click System Configuration link |
3. | Click Units of Measure link |
1. | Click the UOM link at the top of the screen |
2. | In the pull-down menu, click New UOM |
3. | Enter a Unit of Measure Name (required) |
4. | Choose the correct Unit Type |
5. | If the UOM is a WEIGHT, enter the Convert to KG factor |
6. | If the UOM is a VOLUME, enter the Convert to Liters factor |
Automatic UOM Creation A new unit of measure is automatically created when the UOM on an imported package does not already exist in CISPro Global.
1. | Click the UOM to edit from the list at the left edge of the screen |
2. | Edit the name or conversion factors |
1. | Click the UOM to edit from the list at the left edge of the screen |
2. | Click the UOM link at the top of the screen |
3. | In the pull-down menu, click Delete This UOM |
4. | Click Yes to confirm the Delete |
Note: If the Unit of Measure has been used by a container, standard, or method, it can not be deleted.