Units of Measure

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Configuration > Units of Measure

Standard unit of measure (UOM) records are used to support the consistent measurement of material quantities. Units of measure are relevant to defining packages, receiving, and dispensing. A unit of measure consists of a name, a unit type, and a conversion factor.

A quantity measured in one UOM can be converted to another UOM of the same type by use of the conversion factor. A quantity measured in a UOM of one type can be converted to another UOM of a different type (from a weight to a volume, for example) by use of the material's specific gravity value.

Unit of Measure Types

Weight Can be converted to volume using specific gravity of material. Can be converted to other weights using a conversion factor. Examples: KG, GM, MG, LB, OZ.

Volume Can be converted to weight using specific gravity of material. Can be converted to other volumes using a conversion factor. Examples: L, ML, Gallons, Ounces, Cu.Ft.

Each A package or container using the 'each' unit of measure can have a capacity/quantity of 1, even if it is a container of 100 test tubes, or it can have a quantity greater than 1, to allow reporting for conversions into other measurement types (see Defining Sizes). Examples: each, box, carton, bag.

Note: CISPro Global also supports radioactivity Units of Measure for the Each UOM type. See Radioactivity for more information on this type of UOM.


To Configure Units of Measure

1.Log in as a global admin
2.Click System Configuration link
3.Click Units of Measure link

Creating a new Unit Of Measure

1.Click the UOM link at the top of the screen
2.In the pull-down menu, click New UOM
3.Enter a Unit of Measure Name (required)
4.Choose the correct Unit Type
5.If the UOM is a WEIGHT, enter the Convert to KG factor
6.If the UOM is a VOLUME, enter the Convert to Liters factor
7.Click Save

Automatic UOM Creation A new unit of measure is automatically created when the UOM on an imported package does not already exist in CISPro Global.

Modifying a Unit of Measure

1.Click the UOM to edit from the list at the left edge of the screen
2.Edit the name or conversion factors
3.Click Save

To Delete a Unit of Measure

1.Click the UOM to edit from the list at the left edge of the screen
2.Click the UOM link at the top of the screen
3.In the pull-down menu, click Delete This UOM
4.Click Yes to confirm the Delete


Note: If the Unit of Measure has been used by a container, standard, or method, it can not be deleted.