Defining Package Details

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Reference > Packages > Defining Package Details

For each package created, CISPro Global creates one default package detail. You can add as many additional package details as necessary.

1.On the Configure Packages page, select a package
2.In the Sizes grid, edit the existing, default (Row 1) size record, or click the Add New Size button and edit the new size record, as follows:

Unit Count: the default number of containers to receive when receiving the selected package detail

Initial Qty: The quantity of material in the container when it’s received

Unit: The unit of measure to be used for the selected size detail (see also Package Details for Radioactive Materials)

*Container Description: This is appended to the size name for ease of recognition during receipt

Catalog No: An optional field whose value, when set, will appear at the end of the size name during receipt

UPC: the Universal Product Code for the package/size configuration

Container Type: Select a container type from the drop-down list (this is a system lookup list)

Quantity (and UOM) Per Each: For packages that are measured in the 'Each' unit of measure, Quantity per Each represents the quantity within each unit (e.g., in a package that contains 12 tubes, Quantity per Each can be used to indicate that each tube contains 3.5 ounces). This setting can be turned on or off via a configuration variable.

Dispensing Only: When this check box is selected, the package detail can not be used for receiving. Package details that are created as the product of a dispense have this check box selected by default. If the check box is cleared on such records, they can then be used for receiving.

3.Click Save

*Container Description can be either a text box, or a drop-down list of container types, depending on the packdesc_picklist configuration variable. If it's a list, the list items are defined in System Lookups. See Configuration Variables and Configure System Lookup Lists for details.

