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Configuration > Vendors

Vendors are the manufacturers and suppliers in CISPro Global. They are used to specify products and package  details (including catalog numbers and costs) for materials. If the system will only be used to store internally-produced materials, create a vendor record to represent your own company. Doing so ensures that if more vendors are needed later, materials that are produced internally can be distinguished from those purchased externally.

Vendor Permissions

The ability to view, create, modify, or delete vendors is granted individually via the vendors permission as follows:








Manage Vendors



See Roles for a complete list of permissions


Creating a New Vendor

1.Click the Vendors link on the home page
2.Select Vendor > New Vendor from the top menu
3.Type a Vendor Name and Division (required) and complete other fields as needed (optional)
4.Click Save

Editing an Existing Vendor

1.On the Configure Vendors page, click on a vendor name in the list
2.Edit fields (name and account number can be configured by ChemSW so that they can not be edited)
3.Click Save

Deleting a Vendor

Note that while a Vendor is assigned to a package or standard, it can not be deleted

1.Click on the Vendor name in the list at the left edge of the page
2.Select Vendor > Delete this Vendor from the top menu
3.Click Yes at the Confirmation prompt

Obsolete Vendors

Marking a vendor Obsolete allows the user to maintain that vendor record's data, while preventing receipt and creation of orders and packages for it.

If a vendor is marked obsolete, the user can't do the following

Receive against any order or package using that vendor
Use that vendor in new basic packages

Making a Vendor Obsolete

1.On the Vendor screen, select the Obsolete checkbox
2.Click the Save button



Searching the Vendor List

With a long list, it is sometimes easier to search for the items than to scroll through them.

1.Enter the beginning text of the item
2.Click Search

Note: You can clear the search and display the whole list at any time by clicking the Clear button.