User Configuration

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Reference > User Configuration

While logged into CISPro Global, users can change certain settings for their own accounts. These settings include:



A new password must be entered twice, can not be the same as a previous password, and is subject to the password_length and password_complexity configuration variables settings.


If not blank, this appears on requisitions and dispensing pages for this user.


If not blank, the email address and phone number display on the User Information page, discussed below.


User may select English or French as the language in which to display all system screens.

Grid Rows Preference

Sets the number of rows to display per page on left-side navigation grids (like materials search).

My Home Page

Sets the home page option. The options are All Materials (the main tabs in Material View, with all materials listed on the left side), Wired Scanner Mode, and Basic Home Page.

Hide Helpful Hints

Do not show helpful hints to this user.

Show Welcome Page

Display a page with links to common tasks when the user logs in.



To Change User Preferences

1.Log in
2.Click the Preferences link on the Home Page
3.Make changes
4.Click Save




Expired Passwords

CISPro Global expires passwords based on some interval in days from the system configuration. When the user logs in with an expired password, he must enter a new (and different) password before he can proceed any further in the system. He will be required to re-login under the new password to begin work.


Info: System and Site administrators should see the Users section for information on configuring user accounts. For more information on error messages that may occur when a user is logging in, see Frequently Asked Questions.



User Information Page

Key contact information about each CISPro Global user is formatted into a compact electronic "business card," which is known as the User Information page. You may view this popup page throughout the system by clicking the user's name wherever it appears as a link. You can send email to the user via the email link on this reference page.




Because all of the data on the User Information page comes from the user's account settings, click the User Configuration link on the Home Page and make sure the relevant fields are completed there in order for them to appear here.