MSDS Search Facility

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Reference > MSDS Search Facility

Because there are known hazards associated with many of the materials typically stored in a chemical inventory database,  CISPro Global offers a separate facility for fast access to hazard, first aid, and cleanup information in an emergency.  This resource is called the MSDS Search facility, (known also by some veteran users as "Simple View").

The MSDS Search program is accessed through a different login page from CISPro Global, but you can easily bookmark it in your browser to facilitate switching between the two.

The MSDS search page can be viewed without requiring a username and password if there is a user named viewonly, whose password is also viewonly. To maintain system security, this viewonly user's role should have only the View option on those permissions that have View/Create/Modify/Delete. The role should not have any Allow permissions.


To Search for MSDS

1.Change the address in your browser window to http://server/login_msds.asp (where server is the name or IP address of your CISPro Global web server)
2.Enter search terms into one or more of the search fields (Material Name, CAS#, Vendor Name, Catalog#, or Container Barcode#)
3.Click Search

Tip! For convenience, there is also a link on the MSDS Search facility login page that will take you back to the CISPro Global interface.


The MSDS document contains emergency treatment information related to spills, human exposure, etc. for that material. An MSDS must be permanently associated with the corresponding material if the search is to be successful.  For all chemical materials, there is a link on the Hazards tab to add MSDS documents; it can also be done during the process of defining a package or during receiving.

Note that you need not enter the entire material name, CAS number, vendor name, or Catalog number to locate the appropriate MSDS.  You may enter a partial name or number, and all matches will display. (Container Barcodes, however, must be exact, not partial.) You may then select the desired link from the list of matches.  For example, if you typed the letter 'b' into the Material Name field and clicked the Search button, a list would appear of links to all MSDS documents associated with materials whose names or synonyms begin with 'b.'  

For example, suppose a container of Betanex herbicide spilled in a laboratory where workers were not wearing protective clothing.  Suppose, further, that the container broke in such a way that the label was no longer legible.  The manager might go to the MSDS Search page and type the first few letters of the herbicide name, if known, into the Material Name field.  If all of the herbicides in the system had synonyms that began with the word "herbicide," he could simply type 'herb' or 'herbic' and still come up with a successful search.  (In the picture below, we must assume that Butrix has a material synonym that begins with the letters 'herb').



The 'Betanex Herbicide' link in the grid above, when clicked, would open the MSDS document:



A more exact search can be executed by typing in the entire material name or CAS number of the material.  For instance, typing '51-43-4' into the CAS Number search field on the MSDS Search page yields only the MSDS documents associated with the Ephedrine material.



To locate just one individual MSDS for a particular material from a particular manufacturer, use the catalog number from the package in addition to the CAS number to narrow the search down even further.