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Workflows > Materials > MSDS

A Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) is a special document, based on catalog#, that contains chemical composition, hazard, first aid, fire fighting, handling, disposal, and other material-specific information.


Permissions for MSDS Management

One or more of the following permission combinations is required for MSDS add/create/modify:









Manage MSDS






Manage MSDS














Manage MSDS






See Roles for a complete list of permissions

Accessing and Adding MSDS Documents

MSDS information for a material is available via several links. On the Hazards tab, there is a Catalog MSDS Search link. There is also an MSDS link in the upper right corner of the screen in Material View. Clicking any of these links will open a Select MSDS window, where the user can choose from a list of catalog number links. These links connect to the Vendors' web sites, where the user can view the MSDS and other useful information about a material, right from its source.

Add an MSDS to a Material

An MSDS can be permanently associated with a chemical in CISPro Global as follows:

1.Search an online MSDS catalog ,and locate an MSDS document, by clicking one of the MSDS search links mentioned earlier
2.Either download and save the document locally, or copy the URL at which it can be found
3.Locate the material to which the MSDS will be attached, and select its Hazards tab
4.Click the Add MSDS... link and do one of the following


Set Document Type to File, and upload the file from its local directory, using the Browse button if necessary
Set Document Type to URL, type a Name and URL into the appropriate text boxes


4.Change any of the Language, Country Use, Manufacturer and Product, and Date settings as necessary
5.Click Submit



ChemWatch MSDS Access

Users with access to the ChemWatch MSDS database can configure CISPro Global so that the material Hazards tab displays a ChemWatch MSDS Search link. When this link is clicked, a search is launched against ChemWatch data for the selected material, and results are displayed in a new window.

To Enable ChemWatch Search Support

1.On the CISPro Global menu, select Tools > System
2.Click the Configuration Variables link
3.For each of the following configuration variables, set the Variable Value as described in the following table, and click save:


Configuration Variable

Variable Value




ChemWatch query credentials (in user=yourusername&pwd=yourpassword format)


URL to ChemWatch Server with trailing slash like:


Search ChemWatch for an MSDS

1.With ChemWatch search support enabled, select the Hazards tab of the material for which the search will be performed
2.Click the ChemWatch MSDS Search link to launch the search and open a new browser window with ChemWatch results


Materials without CAS# When the search is performed for a Material without a CAS number, a list of matching name-based results is displayed.

Materials with CAS# For a material with a CAS number, a list of matching CAS number-based results is displayed. If there's only 1 match, the MSDS is displayed in a new window (subject to browser security settings).


3.In the ChemWatch results list, click on a link or button as needed to open an MSDS


When one or more MSDS documents have been attached to a material, a View MSDS... link appears on its Hazards tab. Click the View MSDS... link to open the Select MSDS window. Select a document link to view the document.

When a material has at least one MSDS or other document attached, it will also have a  View Attached Documents link on its Hazards tab. This link will display archived MSDS documents, as well as non-MSDS files that are attached to the material (which can also be viewed on the Docs tab).




Important: There can be one MSDS per package/region/language combination per material in the database (e.g., PackageABC/North America/French). Adding a new document in one of these combinations will cause the existing document to be archived.


There are two Review Material MSDS Worklists in the Materials section:

Available MSDS (for Region)
Missing MSDS (for Region)


Available MSDS Worklist This worklist lists materials of any scope that have at least one associated MSDS document for the region of the logged in user's site.  Each material name on the list is a link that, when clicked, takes you to the Hazards tab for that material.  There you can click the View MSDS link to see the document(s).

Missing MSDS Worklist This worklist contains a list of all local or global materials created at the logged in user's site that do not have an MSDS document for that Region (i.e., the Region in which the site is located). The list can be filtered to show only materials with containers (the filter is "remembered" for the duration of that login session).

MSDS Backup System

As noted earlier in this section, there can only be one MSDS with a unique combination of package/region/language for each material. When an MSDS for such a combination is added to a material, any existing MSDS with the same combination is replaced.

MSDS documents that are replaced this way are automatically backed up to the documents list, so that an MSDS is added, it's never lost. If one is inadvertently replaced, it can be found on the Docs tab, where it has been archived.

If an original (first) MSDS for a particular region/manufacturer gets archived to the Docs tab, the Hazards tab indicates it by displaying a View Attached Documents link. This link opens the material's Docs tab, where all archived MSDS files can be viewed.
