Move Request Type Options

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Reference > Move Requests > Move Request Type Options

CISPro Global can be configured to allow several extra options on Move Requests and the Requested Moves Worklist. Through the use of a configuration variable, move request options can be changed from the standard Move/Dispose to a different set consisting of Stage/Sample/Dispose.

When this configuration variable is on (set to 1), users can choose from the Stage/Sample/Dispose option set. The Stage option behaves the same as Move (that is, when a Stage move request is processed, the material is moved). The Sample option features two additional fields: Quantity Needed and Unit of Measure. These are for specifying how much material is needed for sampling. When a Sample request is processed, the sample is performed, and the location of the material containers does not change.

Enable Move Request Type Options

1.Go to the Edit Configuration Variables page
2.Select the movereq_typeopts configuration variable
3.Set the variable value to 1 and click Save
4.Log out and log in to activate change

Request a Move

1.On a container information page, click the Request Move button
2.On the Request Move page, select a location (except for Sample and Dispose)
3.Select Stage, Sample, or Dispose
4.If Sample is selected, specify a Quantity Needed
5.Select a Needed By date
6.Click Request Move


Requested Moves Worklist

1.On the home page, click the Move Requests link
2.On the Requested Moves Worklist, select options as needed on each request
3.Click Save when selections are complete

Available options are:

Request Type








With the movereq_typeopts configuration variable on, the Requested Moves Worklist features a filter for Request Type (Stage, Sample, Dispose). It also has an additional Into column, which shows container reserve status, sample quantity, and needed by date.