Configuration > Reports > Email Report Notifications > Managing Other Users' Subscriptions
Administrators can configure subscription reports for other users from the user configuration page. The reports available for selection are limited to those for which the selected user has the permission specified in the report's Report Permissions* field. The report subscription can not be performed on a user record that does not have an email address.
1. | On the System Configuration page, click Users |
2. | Select the user for whom you are configuring subscriptions |
3. | Click Configure Report Subscriptions |
4. | For each report you want the user to receive |
2. | Select a Frequency option |
Clearing Subscribers Administrators can also clear all subscriptions to any report by clicking the report's Clear All Subscribers button. The button is visible on any report to which one or more users is subscribed.
*If permissions are withdrawn from the user's role subsequent to subscribing to reports, all subscriptions that are dependent on withdrawn permissions are cleared.