The Location Tree

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Configuration > Sites > Location Tree

Locations are the physical entities in which people work, and where materials are stored and used. Every container must be assigned to a location.

Locations are hierarchical within a Site. Each Site can have a maximum of 5 levels. By default, the 5 location levels are Building, Room, Cabinet, Shelf, and Pallet. These designations can be changed by the Global Administrator (see Using Tree Config).

Location Permissions

The ability to view, create, modify, or delete locations is granted individually via the locations permission as follows:









Locations Config



See Roles for a complete list of permissions

Location Structure and the Location Tree

The location structure is depicted graphically in tree form. A location tree represents the location structure for a single site. Changes to the location tree are made at the site level.

The location tree functions like any tree-based hierarchical structure. Any location with child (or branch) locations has at its left a plus sign (+) when its contents are hidden (or collapsed), and a minus sign (-) when its contents are displayed (or expanded).



Managing Locations with the Location Tree

Each location must be contained within a higher location, unless it is a top-level location (Level 1) within a site. To create a Level 3 location (a cabinet, in our example), the user must first have a Level 1 location (building) and a Level 2 location (room) to contain it.

When a site's location tree is first displayed, only the site and level 1 locations are visible. Clicking the plus sign next to the level 1 locations expands them, showing any lower-level locations they contain.

To Access  your Site's Location Tree Click the Configure Locations link on the home page.

Global Administrators have the additional option of selecting a site, via the System Configuration page.


To add new locations to a site, use the location tree on the Configure Locations page. When the site name is selected, CISPro Global displays a text box into which a new level 1 locations name can be entered. When any level 1 or lower location is selected, this same new location text box is displayed, but the selected locations information is displayed below it (see example below).


Creating New Locations

Creating a new location entails selecting the parent location to which it will be added, naming the new location, and making location-specific settings.

The name of the New Location text box displayed on the Configure Locations page is always based on the next level down in the tree. In the example above, because a Building is selected, the New Location text box is labeled 'New Room, as Room is the next level down from Building. If a Room were selected, the text box would be labeled New Cabinet,' and so on.

To Create a Location

To add new locations to an existing tree, or to build a new location hierarchy, beginning at the Site level:

1.Select the location in which the new location will be contained (Sites contain buildings, buildings contain rooms, etc.)
2.In the New Location text box, enter the name of the new location (location name can be as long as 80 characters)
3.Click Add to add the location and display its details page (a barcode ID for the new location is created automatically)
4.Make changes to the new location’s settings as needed
5.Click Save


The Stay At 'Location' Check Box Beneath the ‘New Location’ text box, there is a check box labeled ‘Stay At Location,’ where Location is the currently selected location. The Stay At Location check box keeps the currently selected location selected after a new child location is created, allowing the user to create additional child locations. When the Stay At Location check box is not selected, the Configure Locations page automatically moves one level down in the tree structure.

Location Settings

When a location is selected, its barcode ID, position in the tree structure, and name are displayed. The barcode ID and path can't be changed on this screen, but its name can. There are several other settings that can also be changed on the location details page.



This field, though it can be edited, has no meaning in a non-customized installation of CISPro Global.


This field contains the text that will be displayed next to the location during the container move process. It can be used for storage conditions or other location-related information.

Is Inter-Site Transfer Location

See Inter-Site Transfers for details.

Is Home Location

See Home Locations for details.

Location Is Inactive

Inventory can not be moved into inactive locations, except when move is performed on a handheld device.

Set Inventory Group

Allows the user to specify which Inventory Group owns the selected location.

Apply changes to child locations

Applies to child locations any change made with the Set Inventory Group pull-down list.

Is Requisition delivery Location

Makes this location a valid delivery location for requisitions if the Requisitioning module is enabled.

Deleting Locations

It’s occasionally necessary or desirable to delete locations. A location may no longer exist, or it may not be used for site operations, and therefore have no meaning within CISPro Global.

To Delete a Location

1.Select a location
2.Click the Delete button


Note: A location cannot be deleted if it is assigned to a container or sample.

Printing Location Labels

When using a handheld data collector or a Keyboard Wedge barcode scanner, it will sometimes be helpful to have location IDs represented as barcode labels. CISPro Global refers to these types of labels as LSCAN labels (Location Scan labels). Users can print a label for a single, selected location, or for a selected location and all of its child locations.

Print an LSCAN Label for a Single Location

1.Click the Print Location Labels link
2.Select a location in the tree
3.Click the Print button


Print LSCAN Labels for All Locations

1.Click the Print Location Labels link
2.Select a location in the tree
3.Check the box labeled 'Print Labels For All Locations Within This Location'
4.Click the Print button

Using Tree Config

CISPro Global supports five location levels, and by default refers to these levels as Location, Room, Cabinet, Shelf, and Pallet. A user who is a Global Administrator can change the names of any of the five location levels, using the Tree Config tool.

After a location level is renamed with the Tree Config tool, the new reference is used throughout CISPro Global. For example, if the Level 2 reference is changed from 'Room' to 'Floor,' all references to the Room level will be changed to Floor.

Note: This change doesn't affect location names themselves, just the reference to the level in the location hierarchy. Regardless of whether the location tree's 2nd level is 'Room' or 'Floor,' a location named 'Room 23' will keep its name.



To Access Tree Config and Change Location Level Names

1.Login as a Global Administrator
2.Click the System link on the Home Page
3.Click the Locations - My Site link on the Configure System page
4.Click the Tree Config link to display the Location Tree Config screen
5.In the Change To column, change the names of any of the 5 levels and click Save

Restricting Location Tree Create Options

Although  supports up to 5 location levels in the Location Tree hierarchy, users are not forced to maintain all 5 levels. Administrators at organizations where fewer levels are required can restrict the number of levels in the tree by using the Hide feature. The Tree Config's Hide feature can limit the number of levels in the tree to 4, 3, 2, or even 1 level.

For example, if the PharmaPlexx company wanted to use only the Location, Room, Cabinet, and Shelf levels, and wanted to prevent the creation of any Pallet-level locations, the CISPro Global Global Administrator at PharmaPlexx would hide the Level 5 location (Pallet) shown in the screen shot above. The Location Tree would from then on prevent anyone from creating any new Pallet-level locations.

Note: The Tree Config's Hide feature does not affect existing locations. It merely prevents the creation of new locations at the hidden level.


Hide Applies to Selected and Lower The Hide feature applies to the selected level and all levels below it. If Level 3 in the screen shot above is hidden, so are Levels 4 and 5. So Hiding Level 3 (Cabinet) would prevent the creation not only of Cabinets, but of Shelves and Pallets as well.

Prevent Creation of Locations Using Hide

1.On the Location Tree Config screen, click Hide on the highest level location to be hidden
2.Click Save