Container Locations

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Reference > Container Locations

Containers must always have a location. Each location will belong to a single site. Locations are hierarchical: Site->Building->Room->Cabinet/Bay->Shelf->Pallet/Bin. The actual names of these levels do not really matter within the system, but the hierarchy does (see Using Tree Config, in the Location Tree topic).


For example, it is not possible to define a Room unless it is assigned within a Building, and so on. CISPro Global makes the creation of these locations extremely fast and easy for the Global and Site administrators. Typically, most users will not have access to defining new locations, they will instead choose from a hierarchical tree of locations when they need to assign locations to containers.


When managing or making changes to container locations, the user will normally choose from a hierarchical tree of locations at the site:




The user can view the contents of a particular branch of the tree by clicking it. Each time a link is clicked, it is selected and expands (if there are any branches under it). To apply that location to the container, the user clicks the Move button.


CISPro Global does not require that all levels of the hierarchy be used. A site might have only buildings, or perhaps only buildings and rooms (that is quite common). When determining how to define locations, it is important to think in terms of how specifically inventory needs to be tracked. If it does not matter how many containers of chemical XYZ are on Shelf-A versus Shelf-B, then it makes sense to have all of them in one Cabinet, rather than define separate Shelves.


It is also possible to create additional locations later and move containers into the newly created locations once they become available.

Moving Containers

Containers can be moved individually via the Current Location button on the Container Edit page, or as a group on the Requested Moves Worklist.


To Move a Container

1.On the Container Edit page, click the Current Location button
2.Do one of the following:
Select a location from the tree, and click Move
Scan the location barcode (the ability to scan a location here requires that the movescanopt configuration variable be on)


To Request a Container Move

1.On the Container Edit page, click Request Move
2.Select a Location on the tree
3.Click Request Move


To Process Move Requests

Processing requests for container moves is performed with the Move Requests Worklist. This worklist is accessible from the home page via the 'Requested Moves' link.


1.Click the Requested Moves link on the home page
2.For each container in the worklist, select Cancel or Move from the action drop-down list
3.Click Save



Home Locations

There is a special type of location known as a "home location." This characteristic of a location is defined when the inventory groups are assigned locations. Containers "remember" their last home location, meaning that when a container is assigned to a home location, if it is then moved way from that home location, there is an option to switch the container's location back to that last home location.


Return a Container to its Home Location

1.From the Home Page, click the Find Container Info link
2.Enter the barcode ID of the container and click Search
3.On the Container Information page, click the Return to Home Location button


To Assign or Change a Container's Home Location

1.On the Container Information page, click the 'change...' link next to the Home Location button (while there is no Home Location set, a 'Home Location' label will display in place of a button)
2.Select a new home location* from the drop-down list
3.Click Save to assign the new home location


Tip! When containers are received into a location that is marked as a Home Location, they automatically have that location set as their home location.



*All home locations within the  user's site are included in the Home Location list.