Configuration > Material Hazard Data > R&S Phrases
R&S Phrases are hazard text phrases used in many parts of the world to indicate dangers. CISPro Global can be configured with any number of R&S Phrases, which can then be assigned to specific materials to indicate the hazards of that material on the Hazards tab. R&S Phrases are assigned to a material can also be printed on container labels.
1. | Log in as a global admin (a user with a role that has All System Config Permission) |
2. | Click the System Configuration link |
3. | Click the R&S Phrases link |
1. | Click on the R&S Phrase link at the top of the screen to display a pull-down menu |
2. | Click New Phrase (Note that the R&S Phrase ID field reports (new), meaning that a new record is being created.) |
3. | Enter an RS Code and English Phrase (all required) |
5. | Repeat this process to create additional R&S Phrases |
1. | Click on the R&S Phrase name you want to edit |
1. | Click on the R&S Phrase name |
2. | Enter the translation text in the third text box |
1. | Click on the name of the R&S Phrase to be deleted |
2. | Click on the R&S Phrase link at the top of the screen to display a pull-down menu |
3. | Click Delete This Phrase |
4. | Click OK at the Confirmation prompt |
Note that if the R&S Phrase is currently assigned to a material, it can not be deleted.

With a long list, it is sometimes easier to search for one of the items than to scroll through them all.
1. | Enter the beginning text of the item |
Note: At any time you can clear the search and display the whole list by clicking the Clear button.