Configuration > Material Hazard Data > Graphics > Managing Storage and Hazard Graphics
Storage Compatibility and Custom Hazard Graphics are managed on the Configure Graphics page, accessed via the Graphics link on the System page. The two types are created via a single process, with the single difference being the specification of a Type, which can be set to either Hazard Graphics or Storage Compatibilities.

2. | Click the Graphics link to open the Configure Graphics page |
3. | Select Graphic > New Graphic from the main menu |
This is the label that is displayed below the graphic on the Hazards tab.
5. | Enter the Filename of the image to be displayed |
6. | Select Exclusive if applicable |
Exclusive: If one or more graphics in a set (Hazard Graphics or Storage Compatibilities) are set to exclusive, only one of the graphics from the set can be selected for application to a material.
7. | Select Hazard Graphics or Storage Compatibilities from the Type list |
8. | Enter number in the Priority field |
If the graphics set is not exclusive, Priority determines the order in which the graphics are displayed on the Hazards tab.
A set of .gif files containing images of different colored boxes can be found in the \images\pictos folder in the directory in which your .asp files are stored. See your System Administrator for help if you have difficulty locating them.
• | Edit Select an existing Graphic, modify fields, and click Save. |
• | Delete Select a Graphic, then select Graphic > Delete this Graphic from the main menu and confirm the deletion. (While a graphic is in use by one or more materials, it can't be deleted.) |