Requisition Line Items

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Workflows > Requisitioning > Requisition Line Items

After saving the initial requisition, the user can click the Line Items button to begin selecting materials for inclusion. Any number of line items can be added, modified, or removed from the requisition as long as the requisition has not been submitted.


After one or more line items and clicked the Update button on each row, the requisition will be saved in draft format for later editing if the user navigates away from the page. Any of the lines in a draft requisition may be edited or deleted by clicking on the row number for the line to be edited. When the row number link is clicked, that line of the requisition is highlighted in yellow and all of the fields become editable. A Delete checkbox appears in the rightmost column.

Editing Line Items

To edit a requisition line item, click its 'Row ID' link on the left side of the grid.
To change the quantity, edit a line's quantity/overage fields and click the Update button.
To remove an item, click the Delete button.
To add special requisitioning notes for a particular line item, type the text of the note into the Requisitioner's Note edit box and click Update.

Containers created in the dispense process are located in the requested-for user's location, unless the disp_parent_location configuration variable is set, in which case they are located in the parent container's location.

Note: When the Project Ownership module is turned on, the user must also select a project for each line item. (See Project Ownership)