Project Ownership |
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Workflows > Project Ownership Project Ownership is a module that adds a separate level of control and tracking to much of CISPro Global’s functionality. The Project Ownership module allows, among other things, container management by project. CISPro Global functionality affected by the activation of the Project Ownership Module includes:
Project Configuration The first step in using the Project Ownership feature is to create the projects that will be used. Once the projects are created, users, containers, orders, requisitions, and dispenses can be attached to them. To Create A Project
Note: Active status is required for a project to be used for receiving, to appear as an option on the container information page, to appear as a container tab filter option, etc. Assign Users to Projects Users who are assigned to a project have access to containers that belong to the project. Project assignment affects what users see on worklists, the material containers tab, and in other places, regardless of container ownership. To assign users to a project:
Tip! A user can also be assigned to a project via the Projects link in the Also section of the Users page (Home > System Configuration > Users). This method will display all projects at once, and the user can select as many as necessary.
To return to the project page without assigning users or saving changes, click the Back to Project link. Removing Users From Projects Users can also be removed (or unassigned) from projects by either of these methods. Remove a user from a project by either of the methods described below.
Deleting Projects A Project can be deleted if there are no users assigned to it, and if no containers have been received against it.* To Delete a Project
*A project that has had containers assigned to it can not be deleted. To take such a project out of use, change its status to Inactive. Container Access and Project Ownership While the project ownership module is enabled, a user has access only to containers that are assigned to projects to which the user is also assigned. Project assignment supersedes even container ownership and inventory group access. For example, if Jill is not assigned to project P-1, and Jack is, Jack can receive a container of ChemX into Jill’s inventory group, set the project to P-1, and make Jill the owner of the container. However, if Jill looks at the containers tab for ChemX, she will not see the container that Jack received for her, because she is not assigned to project P-1. If Jill is subsequently assigned to project P-1, she will be able to view the container on the container tab. Project Filter on the Containers Tab The material containers tab has a project filter, which restricts displayed containers to those assigned to projects to which the user has access. When the 'allprojfilter' configuration variable is set to 1, the user can set the project filter to [all] to see at once all containers belonging to any project to which the user is assigned (see Configuration Variables). To Make Changes to a Container, a User Must
**If a user is not assigned to the project to which a container belongs, the user can still search for the container by barcode, and can view the container information page, but will not be able to save changes to it. A user who is assigned to a container's project but does not have modify permission on the container's inventory group will not be able to modify the container. Inactive Projects with Containers Containers assigned to projects that are made inactive will not display on the material containers tab, because the tab contents are filtered by project, and only active projects display. A container in this state can be displayed on the containers tab if its project is changed to one that is active.*** Note: The user must be assigned to the inactive project to make this change. Change the Project to which a Single Container is Assigned
***Project assignment can be changed for a group of containers via the Transfer/Dispose Worklist, as described in the next section. Worklists and Project Ownership The Transfer/Dispose Worklist and the Expired Containers Worklist are affected as follows: Containers by Location Worklist: While the Project Ownership module is active, the Containers by Location worklist only shows containers for projects to which the viewing user belongs. Transfer/Dispose Worklist: With the Project Ownership module turned on, the Transfer/Dispose Worklist can be used to transfer containers from one project to another. This can save a significant amount of time and effort if many containers need to be changed from one project to another. To Change Project Ownership for Containers
Note: This worklist can be used to transfer container ownership from inactive projects to active projects (but not from active to inactive projects). To display inactive projects in the 'from' list, select the Show Inactive Projects check box and click Refresh.
Expired Containers Worklist: The Expired Containers Worklist displays all expired containers owned by the user. With the Project Ownership module on, it will display all expired containers assigned to any project to which the user is also assigned, regardless of ownership. Project Ownership's Effect on Other CISPro Global Functions The Project Ownership module affects several other areas of CISPro Global functionality. The specific effect that the module has on these areas is described here: Auditing Project Ownership change is recorded on the Container Edit auditing event. Changes in project ownership for containers can be reviewed via the History link on the Container Information page. The audit event displays the date of the event, and the before and after project IDs. Orders Received on Inactive Projects When project ownership module is on, a project must be selected when items are added to a cart, and users only have access to carts for projects to which they belong. Orders retain their project assignment. When an order is assigned to a project that is subsequently made inactive, the order and the received containers retain their association with the inactive project. Receiving When the Project Ownership module is enabled, every material receipt must be assigned a project. Project assignment takes precedence over container ownership, so if a container is received with ownership set to a user who is not also assigned to the selected project, the container owner will not be able to see that container on the containers tab. The container owner can subsequently be assigned to the project, and will then be able to access and modify the container. Requisitions & Dispensing The Project Ownership module affects requisitions and dispensing as follows:
Handheld Data Collection The Project Ownership module affects the two multi-mode data collection programs. When it’s on, the user must enter a project code when a Move operation is performed. (See the Portable Data Terminal (Videx) topic and Using CISProMobile for scanning instructions.) Project Assignment when Module is Off When the Project Ownership module is not enabled, containers are assigned to the [NONE] project, to ensure access to all containers if the module is later activated.