Material Classes

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Configuration > Material Classes

Global Administration Function


As part of its robust material management capabilities, CISPro Global supports several basic types of materials: Chemicals, Equipment, Supplies and, available as separate modules, Biologicals and Constituents. The use of these different types to group materials that have fundamental similarities helps CISPro Global provide the extensive feature set that it does.

Just as materials with fundamentally similar characteristics can be categorized as a single type, materials within that type can be categorized into different classes, each of which represents its members' common characteristics.

Each material type has its own set of classes. A material must belong to exactly one Material Type, and exactly one Material Class. Classes can be defined by the user, and can represent a wide array of characteristics or uses.

For illustrative purposes, some common examples of material classes are shown here.

Examples of Material Classes

Chemicals:  Finished Product, Raw, Mixture, Pure Material

Equipment:  Instrumentation, Appliances, Meters

Constituents:  Active Ingredient, Inert Compound, Impurity


Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Material Classes

When CISPro Global is first configured, the global admin should define at least one material class for each material type to be used. In the simplest case, the admin could define just one material class having the same name as the type (for example, a class named 'Chemical' for Chemical materials, and an 'Equipment' class for Equipment materials).

Conversely, the admin can effectively eliminate creating materials of a certain type by not defining any classes of that type.  For example, if no Supply type materials will be used, then having no classes of the Supply type will prevent users from creating materials of that type.

Accessing Material Classes

1.Log in as a global admin
2.Click the System Configuration link
3.Click the Material Classes link to open the Configure Material Classes page


Create a New Material Class

1.Click the Class link at the top of the screen
2.In the pull-down menu, click New Class
3.Enter a Material Class name (required)
4.Select a Material Type
5.Click Save


Modify the Name of an Existing Material Class

1.Click the name of a Class in the list at the left edge of the screen
2.Edit the name
3.Click Save


Delete a Material Class

1.Click the Class you wish to edit from the list at the left edge of the screen
2.Click the Class link at the top of the screen
3.In the pull-down menu, click Delete This Class
4.Click OK to confirm the Delete


Note: While there are materials with a particular material class, the system prevents the admin from deleting that class without deleting all of those materials as well.