User Access to Inventory Groups

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Configuration > Users > User Access to Inventory Groups

The Inventory Group Access link on the Configure User page enables the administrator to modify a user's access to any inventory groups to which the user's workunit has access. The user's permission options are based on the workunit's permissions. For example, if the user's workunit does not have modify permission on Inventory Group Z, the user can't have modify permission on it either. The permissions work as follows:


View Allows the user to view containers within this inventory group on the Containers tab.

Modify Allows the user to modify containers within this inventory group.

Dispense Allows the user to dispense containers in this inventory group.

Requisition Allows user to requisition from this inventory group

Self Serve Location, shown in the screen shot below, is a Material Qualification Module option that is not available in the Basic version of CISPro Global.

Configure Inventory Group Access for the Selected User

1.Click the Inventory Group Access link at the bottom of the page
2.Select appropriate permissions for each accessible Inventory Group
3.Click Save

