Trusted Mode

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Configuration > Alternative Security Scenarios > Trusted Mode

CISPro provides an alternative authentication mechanism known as Trusted Mode, which is based on Microsoft Internet Information Services' Integrated Windows Authentication. Using this mechanism, and an Internet Explorer web browser, it is possible to pass-through a network logon ID from the user's browser machine to CISPro as the basis for user context.

This mechanism is provided as a path for corporate clients with strong network access control policies and centralized account management (such as LDAP). In effect, this mechanism relinquishes authentication of the user to the network.

In addition, it is possible to configure CISPro to automatically create new user accounts based on the network logon ID using a template account.

Security Considerations

Configuration of these options reduces the security of CISPro and converts it from a closed authentication system to an open system. Customers are advised to consider the security ramifications of this approach before implementing this feature. For more information, please contact ChemSW Enterprise Support.