Configuration > Multiple Language Support > Translating Page Text
Translations of native text are managed on the Edit Translation page. For each native text item, alternate text can be specified for each supported language.
The Edit Translations page contains a search bar, which shows all text items by default, but can be filtered by Page Name and Native Text.
1. | Click the System link on the Home page |
2. | Click the Screen Text Translations link under the Interface Customization heading |
3. | Select a text item from the results list |
4. | Enter a translation in one or more language text boxes |
Searching for Specific Text
Search by Page Name or Native Text for specific text to translate.
1. | Select either Page Name or Native Text from the first search drop-down list |
• | Searching by Page Name will return all translatable terms found on any page whose name matches the search criteria. |
• | Searching by Native Text will return all translatable terms that match the search criteria, regardless of page name. |
2. | Select Begins, Exact, or Contains |
3. | Enter the text to search for |
Some text appears many times throughout the CISPro Global application. The Make default for this native text button applies the displayed translation to all instances of the native text. With this button, users can translate a word or phrase once, and use the translation throughout the system.

The CISPro Global Edit Translation page