Single Requisition Dispense

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Workflows > Dispensing from a Requisition > Single Requisition Dispense

To dispense a single requisition, click its Requisition Number on the Dispensing Worklist.

The Dispense Details information for a requisition will show all items on the requisition. Equipment requests are listed separately from chemicals, non-chemicals, biologicals, and supplies because "dispensing" them entails moving them (changing their location), not decrementing their quantity.

Each open requisition line item has a StandardIDAlt link and a Cancel checkbox. The user can cancel a line item (close it without fulfilling it) by checking this box and clicking Apply.


To Dispense an Item

1.Click the StandardIDAlt link
2.Enter or Scan a source container barcode and click the Verify Lot# button
3.Select the unit of measure for the dispense
4.Set Tare value:
If the line item is requisitioned by weight, enter a Tare Weight and click Set Tare
If the line item is requisitioned by volume, click Set Units
5.Enter the Dispense Quantity (the amount dispensed this time) and click Record Dispense
6.Repeat steps 2-5 as many times as necessary to dispense the Quantity Needed

The user has the option of selecting the Dispense All button instead of entering a quantity, which dispenses the entire remaining contents of the source container into the dispensing receptacle.

Print Labels: Before leaving this dispensing session the user should print the labels by clicking each link in the "print receptacle labels" (or it may say "print container labels") area. Once the session is closed, the user can print receptacle labels from the Receipt Lot details page. The user should record any Dispenser's Notes in the box provided and click the Save button before completing the dispense—the notes will be stored when the dispense is completed.

7.After completing the dispensing of this line item and printing labels, click the Complete Item button to close the item

Note: The Complete Item button will display once a certain percentage of the requested amount has been dispensed. This percentage, known as the "Dispense Amount Tolerance," is set at the work unit level.



To Dispense an Equipment Line Item

Dispensing equipment is treated as a transfer, as container quantities are not changed.

1.Click the StandardIDAlt link
2.Enter or Scan a source container barcode and click Submit
3.Select a New Home Location and click Submit
4.On the Transfer Equipment page, select Yes on the Complete Item? row, and click Submit

Requisition Dispensing Options

The following links may appear on the Dispense Requisition Item page:

Find containers Clicking this link will op another browser window with a list of container locations for the requested receipt lot.

Change lot This link allows the user to choose another receipt lot# from the same standard ID as the requested receipt lot, in the event the requested receipt lot is unavailable.

Print Receptacle/Container Labels There is a link for each receptacle or container produced to fulfill this request item. Each link will take the user to a label printing screen for that specific receptacle or container.

New Receptacle/Container  If the user fills the destination receptacle or container to capacity and wants to continue dispensing this item, click this button will start a new receptacle/container within the same dispensing session (and for the same request item).

Requisition # Takes the user back to the requisition items list for this requisition.

Material Clicking this link will pop up a new browser window so the dispenser can view the hazard information for the material.

Other Items In Requisition Takes the user back to the requisition items list for this requisition.

Worklist Takes the user back to the Dispensers Worklist (list of unfulfilled requisitions)