Review Status Type

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Workflows > Materials > Scope > Review Status Type

In addition to the default material scope settings, users have the option of creating review status types to add another layer of detail to material scope. This second level scope setting is called Review Status, and its options are dependent on system lookup list settings.

While there are one or more system lookups whose List Name is 'reviewstatustype,' every material's Identity tab will display a Review Status options list. The Review Status options are those lookup list entries whose List Name is 'reviewstatustype.'

To Create Review Status Entries

1.Click System on the home page
2.Click the Configure System Lookup Lists link
3.On the Edit System Lookups page, select System Lookup Row > New System Lookup Row from the  menu
4.Type "reviewstatustype" in the List Name box
5.Enter values for Native Text and Value Text
6.Type a numeric value in Order In List
7.Click Save


Repeat steps 3-7 to add additional entries. Only one entry is required to make the Review Status option visible on the material Identity tab.


To Set a Material's Review Status

1.Select a material's Identity tab
2.Select an option from the Review Status list
Note: The first—and default—option is blank (no status).
3.Click Save