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Reference > Documents

Documents are used to store and view information about materials—information that is not already stored in the CISPro Global material data. An unlimited number of documents can be associated with a specific material.


How It Works

When a document is added to a material record, either the actual document or a link to it is stored locally. When the document itself is stored, it can be stored either internally (in the CISPro Global database), or externally, on a webserver or at a local physical location. When the actual document file is saved, documents are accessible to any user (with appropriate permissions) using the system, and access to the original file location is not required, as it is for links.

When the user clicks a file document's link on the Docs tab, the document file is located and displayed. When the user clicks the link of a URL document, the document indicated by the URL opens. In either case, the user's web browser opens the document in a new window.


A Document available in several languages


Document Permissions

Depending on the specific action, document access is controlled as follows:

Documents View permission enables user to view documents
Documents Create permission enables user to add documents
Documents Delete permission enables user to delete documents
Additionally, the user must have appropriate Materials (status) Modify permission for the status level (local, global reviewed, global assessed) of the material.


Other Document Access Restrictions

Documents are globally defined; they are not workunit- or site-specific.

To View a Document

1.Search for the material in Material View
2.Click the Docs tab
3.Click a document title link to display the document in a new window


Adding Documents

Documents are added  to and removed from a material via inks on the Documents tab. Adding a document causes it or its URL to be stored in the CISPro Global database.

To Add a Document

1.Locate the material to which the document will be added, and view it in Material View
2.Select the Docs tab
3.Click the Add link
4.Select File or URL from the Document Type list
5.Type a description (this is be used as the document's link text on the Docs tab)
6.Select the document's language from the Language list
7.Do one of the following:
If Document Type is File: Click Browse to locate and select a file, and click Open on the Choose File dialog
If Document Type is URL: Type a name for the document, and then type its URL
8.Click Submit to add the document and place a link to it on the Docs tab

To Remove a Document from a Material

1.Search for and select the material
2.Select the Docs tab
3.Click the Remove link for the document you want to remove and click OK at the confirmation prompt

To Change a Document's Title

1.On the Docs tab, click the document's 'Change document title' link
2.Type a new title
3.Click Save

External Document Storage

The default method of handling documents attached to materials is to store files within the CISPro Global database, and store only references (links) to URLs. However, CISPro Global supports a second method of document storage—external storage. With external document storage enabled, documents can be stored locally, but outside of the database, and can be referenced as either a path statement or a URL.


Path Example: C:\intepub\wwwroot\cispro\docstorage\

URL Example: http://Cisprowebserver/docstorage/


Configure External Document Storage

External document storage setup consists of two parts: enabling external storage, and setting the storage locations.

1.On the home page, click the System link
2.Click the Configuration Variables link
3.Select the Externalstorage configuration variable
4.Set Variable Value to 1 and click Save
5.Select the Externalstorpath configuration variable
6.Set Variable Value to a valid path on the CISPro Global web server (e.g., C:\intepub\wwwroot\cispro\docstorage\) and click Save
7.Select the Externalstorurl configuration variable
8.Set Variable Value to a valid, fully qualified URL (e.g., http://Cisprowebserver/docstorage/) and click Save

Tip! If External Document Storage is enabled, document URLs should reference a valid virtual directory on the CISPro Global web server.

Adding documents while External Document Storage is enabled is done the same way as with the default (i.e., internal) method.