Data Dictionary |
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Reference > Data Dictionary CISPro Global uses the data dictionary to configure and control data operations. The table DATA_DICTIONARY has a row for every column defined in a table in the database. This table should never be modified by anyone except ChemSW development staff or a system admin at the direction of ChemSW Support.
System administrators can view the data dictionary as a way to understand the database design and determine what columns exist in which tables for reporting and labeling queries.
To view the data dictionary: 1) Login in as a system administrator 2) Click the System Configuration link 3) Click the View Data Dictionary link 4) Select the table of interest and click Filter
Filter Will limit the rows displayed to a single table. Select a table from the dropdown list and click Filter.
All Will reset the list to show all columns from all tables.
All Columns checkbox Will display all columns for each row instead of just the simplified view of table, column, data type and size (length).