Container Searches

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Reference > Containers > Container Searches

The Container Search page supports two types of search: barcode search and property search. In a barcode search, users can search for containers using all or part of the container's barcode ID or receipt lot number, or by asset number or serial number for equipment containers. In a property search, users can search for containers by the value of a specific property. Search results are limited to those containers in locations to which the user has inventory group view access.

Container Barcode Search

1.On the home page, click the Search By Barcode link
2.Select Barcode#, Serial#, Asset#, Receipt Lot#, or Manufacturers Lot#
3.Select Exact, Contains, Begins With, or Ends With
4.In the search text box, type the text you're searching for
5.Click Search
6.To view a container's details, click its Barcode link

If the search results in only one hit, the single result's Container Information page is displayed. If two or more containers meet the search criteria, they are all displayed in a grid with their locations and owners' names.


A container search based on Receipt Lot #

Container Property Search

1.On the home page, click the Search By Barcode link
2.For the property whose value is being searched:
a.Select Begins, Contains, or Ends With
b.Type a search value in the text box
3.Click Search Properties
4.To view a container's details, click its Barcode link

This search returns all containers whose value for any of the specified properties matches the search text. If search values are entered for multiple properties, each property search is independent of the others (that is, it's an OR search). Any container that matches any of the property searches is included in the search results.

Multi-Value Properties not Supported Searching for containers by property is supported for all property types except multi-value (see Properties).