Ariel Regulatory Lists

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Configuration > Regulatory Lists > Ariel Regulatory Lists

CISPro Global supports integration with Ariel regulatory lists. The CISPro Global database can link to the Ariel database to make Ariel regulatory data available in CISPro Global's regulatory lists. Ariel-managed lists differ from CISPro-managed lists in that they are built from list codes, where CISPro-managed lists are built of individual CAS numbers.

Ariel List Integration

Integration with Ariel regulatory data is typically performed by ChemSW at the time of CISPro Global deployment. To integrate CISPro Global and Ariel data, contact ChemSW support.

Create an Arial Managed List

1.Select Reg. List Code > New Reg. List Code from the page menu
2.Type a List Display Name
3.Type a Regulatory List Code
4.Select Ariel Managed from the List Mode picklist

Match Type is always Include: Ariel lists always have the include match type. When List Mode is set to Ariel, the match type pick list is hidden.

5.Click Save

Search and Add Ariel List Codes

For materials to be associated with an Ariel regulatory list, Ariel list codes must be associated with it. Locate list codes by searching for keywords that they contain.

1.Select an Ariel Managed regulatory list
2.Click the Ariel List Codes link
3.In the Show Ariel Codes containing text like: text box, type a search term
4.Click Search to display a list of all matching codes
5.Click the Add button next to any code to add the code to the regulatory list

Multiple codes can be added to a single list, so that one regulatory list can contain, for example, all sections of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA).

Assigning the List to Sites

To make a list available to a site, see Assign Regulatory List to Sites in Regulatory Lists.

Refreshing Materials for Ariel Managed Lists

Because the Ariel lists contain a large number of CAS numbers, CISPro Global does not use the same automatic background process to associate them with materials. Instead, the refresh process must be initiated manually.

1.Select an Ariel Managed list
2.Click the Refresh All Materials link
3.Click OK on the confirmation prompt

Note: The refresh process can take a long time to complete, as indicated by the confirmation prompt. The status message Refresh Pending is displayed on the identity tab of all chemical materials.