Workflows > Warehouse Allocation Reporting > Setup for Reporting
To use the Warehouse Allocation Reporting feature, you'll first need to perform some configuration steps.
Used to display the fields that are used for defining allocation quantities assigned to each workunit.
2. | Click the Configuration Variables link |
3. | Select the show_alloc configuration variable |
4. | Set the value to 1 and save changes |
5. | Log out and log in again to see the allocation fields in the next section |
A Workunit is a unique combination of Business Unit and Site. There can be as many Workunits at a site as there are business units. (See also Business Units for setup instructions.)
2. | Click the name link for your site in the Sites box (upper left corner of page) |
In most cases, the name will be "Default."
3. | On the Configure Sites page, click the Workunits link |
Each available Business Unit is in the list at the top of the page.
4. | Select a Business Unit from the list, and click Add New Workunit |
5. | When the new Workunit is added, enter allocation quantities in one or more allocation fields (up to 5 fields can be used) |
Custom Allocation Field Names: You can use the Translation feature to rename the Allocation fields (fields named Alloc1 through Alloc5) to something more useful. See Translating Page Text for instructions.