Searching in eMolecules

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Workflows > eMolecules > Searching in eMolecules

The eMolecules data can be searched by Name, CAS, Catalog No,
(Catalog No searches return only those suppliers with matching catalog numbers, but include all alternative catalog entries for those matching suppliers.
For example, a search for CAS|Exact|67-64-1 will return Acetone with all suppliers, and every Acetone catalog number from each supplier. A search for Catalog No|Exact|16764, however, will return the only suppliers to which that catalog number belongs, but will also return all of those suppliers' alternate Acetone catalog numbers.)
SMILES, and MOL  (On MOL searches, use the Contains option to find substructures) . Searches can be filtered to records from a single supplier
(If you filter to a given supplier, only those molecules that are offered from that supplier will be listed, and only packages from that supplier will be listed.)
. Results are limited to one thousand records, and displayed 10 per page.


1.On the Global Menu, select Tools > eMolecules Import
2.Select a search type (CAS, Catalog, MOL, Name, SMILES)
3.Select Exact or Contains
4.Enter search text or click Browse to locate and open a MOL file
5.Select a supplier or leave filter set to All
6.Click Search

Preferred Vendors Only: Select this check box to see only results from vendors who are on the eMolecules 'Preferred' list.