Raw Data Submission

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Reference > Handheld Data Collection > Raw Data Submission

In addition to uploading data collected with a handheld scanner, users can upload manually created text files. This manually entered text is processed the same way as scanned data, and consequently must be submitted in a valid format. The formatting requirements are different for each handheld operations program, and are provided in the Handheld Device Data Formats topic.

Raw data submission entails creating a text file containing a handheld operations program name and one or more lines of data, then submitting that text file on the CISPro Mobile Operations tab on the Handheld Operations page. All programs require at least two lines: program name, and one or more data lines. Shown here is the generic format for raw data:




All programs except the multi programs require at least two lines after the program line. If there is only one line of data, it should be followed by a carriage return, as shown here:



[blank line]

To Submit a Raw Data Text File for Handheld Operations Processing

1.Create a properly formatted text file
2.Navigate to the Handheld Operations page (Tools > Handheld from the CISPro icon menu)
3.Select the CISPro Mobile Operations tab
4.Click Browse button, then locate and double click on the text file to be submitted
5.Click Submit