Auditing |
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Reference > Auditing The Audit Trail is a configurable data history mechanism. CISPro Global has a large number of application "events" that will trigger audit trail recording depending on the type of data and the configuration of the audit trail. Some Events that Can Generate an Audit Trail
Audit Trail Configuration The Audit Trail is configured at the workunit level. A Global, Site or Workunit Administrator can configure each Workunit for audit trail events. Audit configuration consists of two parts: determining what level of logging occurs when a record is changed (Audit Level), and determining which fields are recorded when logging occurs (Record Setting). When a change is made to a data element whose Record Setting is either 'Audit Changes Only' or 'Always Audit,' the change event is recorded according to the Audit Level and Record Setting options, which are shown in the following tables: Audit Level: Whether to record change events
Record Setting: The fields, or parts of an event, that are to be recorded (e.g., a user's last name or a container's location)
Configure Auditing
Tip! The Site and Workunit of the logged in user are always shown in bold type to distinguish them from the other Sites and Workunits.
Configuring Event Fields
Viewing the Audit Trail Audit trail data is specific to a particular "event" (operation) in CISPro Global. For example, dispensing from a container generates a "dispense_container" event (if it is enabled), which contains information about the dispense for that particular container. The collection of events audited for a record (a container record in the previous example) is called the History. Pages that display particular records where events may apply have History link. To view the audit trail for an item (standard, receipt lot, container, user), click the History link.
Tip! In CISPro Global, Audit Trail windows are pop-up windows, and each has a Close Window link. Click the Close Window link to close the pop up window and return to the Main CISPro Global window.
Filter on History Audit View The Audit View can show either a history of transactions for a container, material, or other object, or a single transaction. When the object's audit history is viewed, the Filter To drop-down list can limit what is displayed on the screen. Use the filter to change what the audit view displays, such as Owner only, or Owner, Location ID, and Barcode ID, etc. Each audit trail event will have a set of table+field values associated with it. Depending on how the audit trail is configured, these "column" values may have changed during the event, or they may have been recorded for convenience. It will be clear which is the case because each column value has a Before and After display to show exactly what happened during the event. Depending on the type of event being viewed, the appearance of the Audit View will vary. The example below is for a dispense operation. Here, information recorded as part of the audit event includes net quantity, dispensed quantity, etc., as well as links to other records (parent container, dispense ID) affected by the change.
In addition to Before and After values, the page can display when the event happened, who the logged on user was, and what the specific event was (Event_Type), as well as whether the user electronically signed the record.
Note: An audit value of "NULL" is indicated when a record is inserted and a value is not explicitly supplied for an audited column.