Tier II Calculations

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Workflows > Tier II Reports > Tier II Calculations

For each material included in the Tier II Report, two quantities are reported. The first is Max Daily, which is the greatest quantity present on any single day within the reporting date range. The second is Avg Daily, which is the sum of all daily quantities within the reporting date range divided by the number of days. The simplified example below shows the Max Daily and Avg Daily quantities for a material over a 5-day* period.


Daily Quantities

Max Daily

Avg Daily

Day 1: 100 L

Day 2: 125 L

Day 3: 150 L

Day 4: 100 L

Day 5: 100 L

150 L

115 L

Calculating Material Component Quantities

If a Tier II material is a component of one or more other materials, inventory quantities can be reported for both the pure material and those in which it is a component. Component quantities are reported this way under these conditions:

Component_refs configuration variable = 1 or 2
Component material is added to other material as a percentage, not as a fixed quantity

For the purpose of Tier II Reports, the quantity of a material (for Max Daily and Avg Daily values) includes all containers of the material, plus all containers of any material of which it is a component. The amount of a component material in a container of another material is the container quantity multiplied by the component percentage. CISPro Global also calculates component quantities where one material is a component of another, which is itself a component of a third material.

Component Material Calculations

The diagram below illustrates the process of calculating component material quantities. Material C is a combination of 50% Material A and 50% Material B. Material D is a combination of 50% Material C and 50% other. Therefore, the total quantity of Material A is 100 + 50 + 25 = 175 GM.

Material A

100 GM


100 GM

Material C

100 GM


50 GM

Material D

100 GM


25 GM


175 GM
