Reference > Roaming Scanner Mode
The Roaming Scanner interface in CISPro Global was designed to support the use of the Intermec SF51 wireless (Bluetooth) scanner as a data collection device, but the Roaming Scanner Mode page can be used with a normal wedge-type scanner, and also accepts keyboard input. Roaming Scanner Process Overview The Roaming Scanner Mode data entry process can be summarized as follows:
Roaming Scanner Mode is similar to Wired Scanner Mode, but Roaming Scanner Mode supports the use of a more sophisticated, wireless scanner that transmits information using short wave radio frequencies. Using Roaming Scanner Mode The link to the Roaming Scanner Mode page is on the Wired Scanner Mode page. Access Roaming Scanner Mode by one of the following paths: From Home Page Click the Keyboard/Scanner link on the Home page, then click the Roaming Scanner Mode link on the Wired Scanner Mode Page From Any Page Select Tools > Keyboard/Scanner from the CISPro Global menu on any page, then click the Roaming Scanner Mode link on the Wired Scanner Mode Page When the user is scanning data in Roaming Scanner Mode, scanned data is displayed in the Scan Data text box until it is committed, at which point the Scan Data text box is cleared, and the committed data is displayed below the box under the Actions Taken heading. The current operation mode, user ID, and location ID are displayed at the top of the page for reference. Scan Data*
Clear Data The Clear button clears the Scan Data text box of any uncommitted scanned data, and clears the Actions Taken text at the bottom of the page. *Type or Scan Type can be substituted for Scan here, with the requirement that the Enter key must be pressed after each line of data (e.g., container ID, Location ID, etc.) is typed. The Roaming Scanner Interface Showing Actions Taken on Four Containers Container Operations The following five container operations are supported: Open a container Move a container to a new location (does not change owner) Transfer Change a container's ownership and location (new location is the new user's default location) Owner Change container ownership without changing its location Dispose of a container Printing Operation Code Labels The Videx Handheld Operations Page features links to print custom label barcodes for the words Move, Open, Transfer, Owner and Dispose. Users can print a set of these labels for scanning purposes before starting a scan in Roaming Scanner Mode. Data Scan Example The following is an example of a valid set of barcodes that could be scanned in sequence:
open 004057 (Opens containers 004057 and 004058) 004058 move ls003 005001 (Moves container 005001 to location ls003...) ls004 006000 (...and containers 006000 and 006001 to location ls004) 006001 transfer u047 006003 (Transfers ownership of containers 006003 and 006004 to user u047, and moves them to 006004 that user's default location) owner u047 006005 (Changes the owner of container 006005 to user u047) dispose 006006 (Disposes of container 006006) commit (Causes all operations to be immediately processed)