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The following are terms used frequently in CISPro Global help, and in the application itself.


Approved Supplier*

A package that is approved for receipt on a specific GMP standard.

Audit Trail

A record of changes made to a container, material, or other entity according to a workunit's Auditing and Signatures configuration. Accessible via the History link.


The process of recording change events on containers, materials, or other data entities.

Biological Material

Material type used for tracking materials of biological origin (e.g., plants, viruses).

Business Unit*

A logical entity created to represent a specific purpose or focus within a company. Combined with site to create a workunit.

CAS Number

The unique identifier assigned to a chemical by the chemical abstract service.


A method of grouping related standards.


A database containing a collection of catalogs of chemical information from multiple vendors. Available as an add-on module.

Chemical Material

Material type used for tracking chemical substances, with chemical-specific attributes.

Child Container

Barcoded and trackable container created as the product of a dispense.


A ChemSW, Inc. application for scanning and collecting data for use with CISPro Global.


A method of sub-categorizing materials that share characteristics and are of a single type. A material type can have one or more classes.


A material that constitutes all or part of another material.

Configuration Variable

A field whose value can be modified by an authorized user and affects the behavior of the application.

Constituent Material

A material record that represents a pure chemical substance and does not exist in inventory except as a component of a non-constituent material.


A single unit of inventory of a material, which can be received and disposed, and from which some or all contents can be dispensed.

Container Group

A means of categorizing one or more containers with common characteristics, achieved by assigning a container group barcode.

Containers Tab

In material view, the tab on which container information for a material is accessible, including a list of containers and links for creating or receiving more.

Control Area

A user-defined group of locations for the purpose of fire reporting.

Date Property

A property whose value is in date format.

Default Standard*

A standard that is created on every material, as part of the material creation process.


To transfer material from a barcoded container to one or more containers that may or may not be barcoded.


To remove an inventory item, such as a container, from inventory. Note that some dispose transactions may be reversed.

Docs Tab

In material view, the tab on which material-specific documents can be added, viewed, and deleted.

Dynamic Report

A report that is created through a process in which the user specifies content and appearance on a single page. Contrast with Static Reports.


A number assigned to a chemical substance under the European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances registry. Format is 2XX-XXX-X or 3XX-XXX-X.

Electronic Signature

A record indicating a user's approval of a transaction. Also, an optional security mechanism that requires a user to confirm a transaction by entering a password.

Email Report

A report that is configured to be emailed to one or more recipients at defined intervals.

Equipment Material

A material type that supports equipment-specific attributes such as maintenance intervals and serial numbers.

Experimental ID

A user-defined, global identifier for standards.

Expiration Interval

The user-specified value on a material, measured in months or years, that is added to a container's receipt date to calculate its expiration date.

Finished Product

A material type, available as a module, that represents a blend of other chemical and constituent materials.

Fire Reporting

A module that supports the creation of control areas and reporting of hazard information for the inventory contained in those areas.


The database of hazard information used for Fire Reporting.

Floor Factor

A control area's Exempt Quantity Percentage setting, which determines what percentage of the per-control-area exempt amount can be stored in a control area.

Global Administrator

A user whose role has the system permission.

Global Menu

The menu that is accessed via the CISPro logo in the top left corner of every page

Global Standard*

A standard that can be used as a template for GMP standards at any site.

GMP Standard*

A standard that adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) conventions.

Handheld Data Collection

The process of gathering, via scanning or manual entry, container or other data to be added to the CISPro Global database.

Hazard Graphics

Any of several sets of images used to indicate a material's hazardous properties.

Hazards Tab

The tab on which a material's hazard-related data is displayed.

Helpful Hint

A user-generated addition to a specific page, intended to offer assistance with or notes about the current object or workflow.

Identity Tab

The tab on which a material's identification-related attributes (e.g., name and CAS number) are displayed.

Inter-Site Transfer

The process of transferring a container between two otherwise isolated sites, using a destination specifically designated as an inter-site location.

Inventory Group

A method of applying identical attributes (such as receiving or container editing rights) once to multiple locations within a single workunit, rather than applying the attributes to each location individually.


A check box (logical field) on the Physical tab in material view, used to indicate radioactivity.


A viewer used for rendering 3D chemical structures on the material Structure tab.


User-defined hyperlinks added to CISPro Global pages.

List Property

A property type that accepts one or more options, one of which the user can select when applying the property to a material, container, or other object.

Logical Property

A property type that has either a true or false value, displayed as a check box.


A group of one or more containers, and a record of their common attributes, such as receipt date and expiration date.

Main Menu

The context-specific menu displayed at the top of every page.


A record of transactions maintained for containers of waste materials.

Market Ingredient Level (MIL)

A feature of constituent materials by which users can specify the concentrations in which constituents may be present in market materials according to the type of use.


A chemical, supply, equipment, biological, constituent, or waste substance.

Material Class

See Class

Material Component

A material that is present in another material.

Material Synonym

Any name for a material in addition to the material's primary name.

Material View

Material-specific menu options and the collection of tabs on which material attributes are displayed and organized.

Memo Property

A property type used for storing text strings longer than 255 characters.


The process of combining two materials, and the existing inventory of each, into a single material record.


Test methodologies used for analyzing receipt lots using specifications.


A type of file that contains the data used for rendering 3D chemical structures.


A transaction used for changing a container's location without changing its owner.

Move Request

A request to change a container's location, submitted by a user without adequate permissions to make the change.


Material Safety Data Sheet

Multi-List Property

A property type that accepts one or more options, one or more of which the user can select when applying the property to a material, container, or other object.

Multi-Value Property

A property type that accepts one or more named attributes, all of which are applied at once, and whose values are provided by the user upon applying the property to a material, container, or other object.

Numeric Property

A property type that accepts a numeric value.


The user who is responsible for a container.


A record that represents the relationship between a material and a vendor, including a product number. Can have one or more package detail (size) records, with unit count, catalog number, and other attributes for each.


The Pure Chemical Compounds Inventory database, part of the ChemCat electronic catalog, containing hazard, health and physical, and other property data on pure chemical compounds.


A setting, or group of settings, that controls access to specific functionality.

Physical Tab

The tab on which a material's chemical formula, state of matter, and other chemical-specific data is displayed. Applies to chemicals and chemical-related material types only.


A set of coded graphics that represent hazardous properties of materials. Displayed on the Hazards tab.

Picture Tab

The tab on which an image can displayed for biological, equipment, and supply material types.


Personal Protective Equipment, specified on the Hazards tab in material view.


A module that supports the grouping of containers and restricting user access to them by membership.

Properties Tab

The tab in material view on which material properties are displayed by default.


A user-configured attribute that expands the user's ability to describe containers, lots, and materials.

Pull-Down Menu

The menu available at the top left of every page, supporting navigation to all basic workflows. Also called Global Menu.

R&S Phrases

The set of Risk and safety phrases, each of which is represented by an alphanumeric code, that can be added to chemical and finished product material types, and displayed on the Hazards tab.

Receipt Lot

See Lot


A container, without a barcode identifier, into which material is dispensed from another container.


A process in which the list of containers scanned within one or more locations is compared to the list of containers expected within those locations, and in which the user can take specific actions to address the differences.

Regular Expression

A pattern that describes text, and uses input masks to limit what data users can save in a field.

Regulatory Lists

Collections of CAS numbers used to identify pure chemicals by regulatory controls.

Release Criteria

The conditions a receipt lot must meet to be released for use.


A user-generated request list of materials for dispensing.

Research Standard*

A standard that does not enforce adherence to CISPro Global's GMP rules.


Hold a container for use by a specific user or inventory group.


Testing entries for the purpose of determining whether a receipt lot meets release criteria.


A type of sample that is barcoded, and preserved after testing is complete.

Roaming Scanner Mode

A method of collecting data with a wireless scanner that transmits the data to the CISPro Global database in real time.


A user profile template that is used to provide identical privileges to multiple users at once.

Safety Resources

The references used to acquire and confirm safety assessment information.


A container of a small quantity of a received material, used for testing and kept only temporarily.

Satellite Stockroom*

A designated location intended for making more convenient the process of dispensing from a requisition.


The extent to which a material record is applicable within a CISPro Global implementation. Can be local (current site only), or global (all sites).

Signature Event

A data change (a dispense transaction, for example) that requires an electronic signature.

Simple View

A dedicated view for the MSDS Search facility.


A group of locations, typically one or more buildings and the sub-locations within them.

Site Administrator

A user whose role has the system_site permission.


The detailed record of constituents, and the quantities in which they occur, in a product from a specific supplier.


A quality definition for a material.

Static Report

A report consisting of a query and a pre-defined report file (FR3). Contrast with Dynamic Report.

Storage Compatibility

An indicator of whether two materials may be stored together, based on the storage compatibility graphics on the Hazards tab of each.


Molecular structure of a chemical (including constituents and finished products), which can be displayed as a 2- or 3-dimensional image on the Structure tab.

Structure Tab

The tab in material view on which chemical structure and structure-related options are displayed.

Supply Material

Material type used for tracking supplies.


Alternate names for materials.

System Lookup List

A user-defined set of options that constitute a pick list in the CISPro Global interface.


Comparison of received material against release criteria.

Test Group*

One or more users responsible for execution of specific test methods within a workunit.

Text Property

A property that accepts a free text string with a maximum length of 255 characters as a value.


To change the owner of a container, and move the container to the new owner's default location.


An alternative value for a field, column header, or other data entity, in a language other than the default.

Unit of Measure (UOM)

The unit in which a quantity or rate is represented.


A supplier of material.

Videx Portable Data Terminal

A handheld data scanner.

Waste Material

A material type used for the disposal of chemicals and constituents.

Wired Scanner Mode

A method of collecting data using a wedge scanner.


Report-like lists of data that support the execution of specific tasks.


A group of users at a single site.

*Applicable to Material Qualification Module only.