Deleting MIL Usage Records

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Workflows > Market Ingredient Levels > Deleting MIL Usage Records

MIL Usage records can be deleted, meaning the association between the MIL Use and the constituent is removed.

1.On the Market Level Ingredients for Constituent page, select the MIL Use to delete
2.Select MIL > Delete This MIL from the main menu
3.Click OK at the confirmation prompt

View and Undelete Deleted MIL Usage Records

MIL Uses that have been deleted from constituents can be viewed and undeleted (i.e., restored). When a deleted MIL Use is viewed, the Save button is replaced with an Undelete button.

1.On the Market Level Ingredients for Constituent page, select the Show Deleted MIL Uses check box
2.On any deleted MIL Use, click Undelete