Assigning GHS Graphics to Materials

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Reference > GHS for Individual Materials > Assigning GHS Graphics to Materials

A material may have one or more assigned GHS Graphics. All graphics assigned to a material are displayed on the Hazards tab.

Graphics are assigned to materials at the site level (the graphics assigned to one material may differ from site to site). When a graphic is first assigned to a material, however, the assignment is applied to all sites. A user may then specify which sites are to retain the assignment.

Assign Graphics to a Material

1.Select the Material Hazards tab
2.Click the GHS Graphics link to open the Assign GHS Graphics page
3.Select the check box for each Graphic to be assigned
4.Click Save

Assign a Graphic to Individual Sites

On the Assign GHS Graphics page, an Assigned link replaces the check box on any graphic that is assigned to one or more sites. For any assigned graphic:

1.Click the Assigned link to open the Assign Sites for GHS Graphic page
2.Select the check box for each site to which the graphic should be assigned
3.Clear the check box for each site to which the graphic should not be assigned
4.Click Save to apply changes and return to the Assign GHS Graphics page