Reference > GHS for Individual Materials > Assigning GHS Graphics to Materials
A material may have one or more assigned GHS Graphics. All graphics assigned to a material are displayed on the Hazards tab.
Graphics are assigned to materials at the site level (the graphics assigned to one material may differ from site to site). When a graphic is first assigned to a material, however, the assignment is applied to all sites. A user may then specify which sites are to retain the assignment.
1. | Select the Material Hazards tab |
2. | Click the GHS Graphics link to open the Assign GHS Graphics page |
3. | Select the check box for each Graphic to be assigned |
On the Assign GHS Graphics page, an Assigned link replaces the check box on any graphic that is assigned to one or more sites. For any assigned graphic:
1. | Click the Assigned link to open the Assign Sites for GHS Graphic page |
2. | Select the check box for each site to which the graphic should be assigned |
3. | Clear the check box for each site to which the graphic should not be assigned |
4. | Click Save to apply changes and return to the Assign GHS Graphics page |